A secret of the Adirondack State Land Master Plan is that well over 90% of the lands officially dedicated as Wild Forest are actually forever: wilderness, even though it’s not called that.
4. Public use of motor vehicles will not be encouraged and there will not be anymaterial increase in the mileage of roads and snowmobile trails open to motorized use bythe public in wild forest areas that conformed to the master plan at the time ofits original adoption in 1972.
That language basically makes it clear that no new roads or truck trails will be created in Adirondack Forest Preserve. Therefore, except for a handful existing roads, the vast majority of lands of Adirondack Forest Preserve will forever remain free of motor vehicles and snowmobiles (in winter). The milage of snowmobile trails and truck trails will only decline in coming years, strictly fitting into defination of “wild forest”.
The lands of the state, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. They shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed.
Therefore per the consitution, no timber may be removed or destroyed in the forest preserve, which means the consitution explicitly prohibits any new road from being constructed in the forest preserve, except where an existing road exists. You can’t build a new road through the forest without cutting timber.
The only constraint from designating all of Adirondack Wild Forest as wilderness, is some of the parcels are smaller, and there a minimal roads going to campsites, lakes, destinations, and private lands throughout the park, mostly low-speed forest preserve roads, with minimal use.
Where is a quiet place to kayak near Cedar Ridge and the Brookfield Horse Camp? Have you ever thought about kayaking the Beaver Creek, from Horse Trail 60 north until the end of the navigable waters?
You take Fairgrounds Road north from Brookfield NY, until a first parking area on the left of the road. This is Horse Trail 60. It’s a short portage (1/8 mile) until you reach the bridge crossing the Beaver Creek.
Put in the on the side of this bridge. I did from the east side, through the marshy ground, but you could portage over the horse bridge, then put on the west side, and avoid the marshy ground.
Having a good set of wheels means you won’t have to carry your kayak, but make sure not to drag it on the gravel to avoid wearing holes in your kayak, as I learned earlier this summer.
This is a delightful little trip. Do drive the Charles Baker Auto tour, or hike some of the many trails in the area…
Over the years I have spent a lot of time camping in the Catskills and Adirondacks. I sometimes go out to Finger Lakes or Central NY, or drive down to Pennsylvania to the Tioga State Forest or Allegheny National Forest. Yet, except for one trip in 2004 and in 2008, I have not spent much time at all in Green Mountains.
I have my reasons for not going to the Green Mountains National Forest. For one, the drive from Albany to Bennington Vermont, is a punishing and awful drive, especially prior to the construction of the Bennington bypass. Hoosic Street in Troy is an awful during most hours of the day, and there is few alternatives for one wanting to get from Albany to Bennington. NY 7 is always congested and loaded with poky speed traps.
Yet, besides the driving difficulties, there is a lot in Green Mountains. They are not the Adirondacks, but you get back off of Kelley Stand Road, get to some of the many ponds and waterways, mountains, and other wild lands, one must wonder why one hasn’t spent more time here. It’s only 50 miles from Albany to the entrance way of Green Mountain Forest, and there are many wonderful free campsites. It’s pretty wild back here, but still that drive is awful.
I don’t know. I should use my cartography skills and try to find alternative routes to Green Mountains. Maybe take the Northway North and cut over, well North of Troy. Or go through a more southernly route. Yet, at any rate, as an alternative to Adirondacks or Catskills, and is out of State, the Green Mountains National Forest seems like a great place to visit.
Recently, the Adirondack Park Agency adopted several changes to Moose River Plains Wild Forest in the master map of the Adirondack Park. One of the biggest changes was to convert an area around Moose River Plains Road and Red River Road into an “Intensive Use Area” known as the “Moose River Plains Camping Area” (MRPCA), to allow campsites to remain that are within 1/4 mile of each other, which otherwise would violate the Adirondack Park Land State Master Plan (APLSMP) for Wild Forest.
“The proposed MRPCA will look very similar to the existing roadside uses in the MRPWF. The sole purpose for proposing the creation of the MRPCA is to allow roadside camping in higher density than can be allowed under wild forest guidelines. Although the APSLMP will recognize this newly created intensive use area as a campground by definition, the overall management goals include protecting the wild character of both the MRPCA and the MRPWF. The Department intends to manage this area in a manner that is much more reflective of wild forest guidelines, with the exception of the camp site separation distance guideline. The management responsibilities for the MRPCA will remain with the Division of Lands and Forests and will be regulated under those parts of NYCRR 6 Part 190 that are applicable to the adjoining wild forest lands. Due to the close relationship between the MRPWF and the MRPCA any future revisions to either UMP will require an assessment of potential impacts on both units and possibly a revision to both UMPs.”
“Unlike other intensive use area campgrounds in the Park, amenities such as bath houses, playgrounds, and paved drives are not ever going to be considered for the MRPCA. What is envisioned for the MRPCA is up to 150 roadside campsites along approximately 20 miles of roads through the MRPWF. These sites will have fire rings,pit privies and picnic tables as their only amenities. Some of these sites are relatively close to the road, while others are several hundred feet back and are accessed by short driveways. A majority of these sites will be comprised of existing sites, some fairly well separated from other sites and some clustered in small groups. This provides for a variety of camping opportunities depending on what users are seeking. Existing sites that are very close to the road may be relocated to a location that provides better screening or may be converted to parking areas with a walk‐in site located a short distance from the parking area. Any newly constructed sites will be located in a manner to provide vegetative screening between the site and the road.”
The confusing part of this comes into the fact these lands will be considered “Intensive Use”, which is essentially a symonym for “DEC Campground” in APLSMP. While few people read APLSMP, many people buy maps and go onto websites to figure out where they are going to camp.
Map makers, especially those not from the Adirondacks will likely fail to distinguish between the Moose River Plains Camping Area, and a more developed campground like that of DEC Campground Limekiln Lake, DEC Campground Eight Lake, or DEC Campground Indian Lake. Indeed, this what concerns the DEC in the MRPCA plan:
“Although use levels within the current MRPWF have been fairly stable for the past several years, the creation of a new area, even if only by name, may initially result in an increase in camping use of the area.”
“The creation of the MRPCA will create some challenges in educating the public as to what to expect within the area. As the area will not charge fees, nor will reservations be taken, users will be arriving at the area without the benefit of knowing what site they may be camping at. Users will need to drive through the area and locate a site that is suitable for their needs. In the unlikely case that no sites are available, users will need to be educated as to what alternatives exist in the general area. Providing information at the two entrance points, Cedar RiverFlow and Limekiln Lake, will be an important part of informing users of the type of opportunity available in the MRPCA. It will also provide an opportunity to provide information on alternative locations should the MRPCA not meet their expectations. Additional information will be made available on the Department’s website and inthe revised unit brochure for the MRPWF.”
If these changes make it to the DEC website it would be helpful…
Yet, we know the DEC often does not put important information on it’s website, and indeed it seems likely the Division of Operations which operates the Limekiln, Eight Lake, and Indian Lake Campgrounds would fight to avoid including a “free” camping area that could directly compete with their $25 a night sites, that offer only minimally nicer ammenities such as centralized trash dumpsters, flush toilets, and showers. Moose River Plains, if promoted by Division of Lands and Forest could canabalize the business of these other campsites.
People will be in for a surpise if they come up here, looking for an established campground. Roadside campsites are spread out over 20 miles, people are often 30 miles from the nearest gas station. The roads are rough, they can be challenging in places to travel with a car. Without regular patrols and surrounded by vast Wild Forest and Wilderness on four sides, the possibility of people getting lost grows. Already, people get lost up here, but with additional promotion through the name change — and the attraction to those unfamiliar with the Adirondack tradition of roadside camping, it’s only asking for trouble.
The changes to the Moose River Wild Forest may be needed to keep the majority of the camping sites open and compatible with the APSLMP, but it seems as though converting Moose River Plains Road to Intensive Use, and indicating it on maps as such, only will lead to more confusion.
The state should instead admend the Adirondack Park Master Plan:
Make existing “road-side” legacy campsites less then 1/4 mile separation legal.
Require only new campsites that are developed to have the 1/4 mile separation.
Human occupation of the Adirondack region took place immediately following the Wisconsin glaciation period (10,000‐8,00BC). Native American artifacts representing all periods of New York prehistory have been found throughout the region, most sites being associated with water bodies. The Oswegatchie River, which is an important resource for this unit, was a boundary between the easternmost of the Iroquois nations, the Mohawks and the Oneidas. Most of the recent history of this unit revolves around hopes and dreams of early speculators and the harvesting of timber. Unfortunately much of this history has gone undocumented.
The major historical events and dates that influenced this unit are described below:
Pre 1770’s ‐ Occupied by Native American Indians
1792 ‐ Alexander Macomb purchase nearly 4,000,000 acres in northern New York for 84 an acre. Shortly following this purchase Macomb was sent to debtors prison. His holdings were taken over by his partner William Constable.
1796 ‐ James Watson acquires 61,433 acres in Herkimer and Lewis Counties comprised of two triangular pieces joined only by a narrow isthmus.
1809 ‐ James T. Watson inherits the lands of his father, James Watson.
1854 ‐ James T. Watson commits suicide; his holdings in the east triangle, are split among 44 surviving cousins.
1854‐1907 ‐ Through subsequent tax sales all of Watson’s former lands in the east triangle come into State ownership.
1907‐1912 ‐ Through tax sales the State Comptroller sells these same lands to the International Paper Company for a total of approximately $7,600.
1986 ‐ The State of New York acquires title to the remaining lands of International Paper within the Watson’s East Triangle.
1989 ‐ The State acquires 6,737 acres of the Lassiter Tract in fee, and purchases a conservation easement (Oswegatchie Tract) from the Nature Conservancy on 17,749 acres in Lewis County.
1999 ‐ Champion International sells its land holdings in New York State. The State acquires a conservation easement on 110,000 acres of these lands throughout the Adirondack Park, including the Croghan Tract. The State also acquires 29,000 acres of these lands for inclusion in the Forest Preserve. The lands acquired by the State in fee consist mostly of river corridors and other ecologically sensitive areas.
2000‐ The former IP lands are classified by APA, with much of the acreage going into Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest, while some is classified wilderness along with reclassification of some existing acreage of WF to wilderness.
2006‐ Lands acquired in 1999 from Champion International are classified and added to the unit.