Why I find cannabis so fascinating 🧠

The world has changed so quickly. Cannabis stores are popping up left and right, people smoke it in parks and at picnics. It’s normal, it’s legal. Nobody cares any more about it, it’s a part of every day life, a societal norm.

Cannabis not all that long ago was a crime. They said it was long ago decriminalized but that is mostly a lie as you couldn’t legally buy cannabis legally anywhere in New York, you could be ticketed for simple possession and smoking it or otherwise publicly displaying it could land you in front of a judge facing potential jail time and mandatory treatment. I many places, that’s still the case, I didn’t bring any down to Pennsylvania.

Cannabis still provokes a certain strong reaction of disgust by certain groups of people, especially the elderly and some conservatives. You smoke, how dare you? You are trashing your brain, soon you’ll be buying heroin from some bad black dude in Arbor Hill. You’re about as bad as a mass murder or terrorist. All for smoking a pungent little herb that makes you giggle, see enhanced color and beauty, makes you really relaxed. Or maybe a bit paranoid if buy a strain that doesn’t quite vibe with you.

And then you have the whole industry of music and artwork built up around cannabis. Stoner lyrics, that trippity sound and art with a lot of color. Much of it seems like an exaggeration getting stoned. Cannabis doesn’t make you love the Grateful Dead or Phish though it’s really chill music and part of the relaxed and paying attention experience.

I would say all and all the herb is far overstated for it’s effects both positive and negative. Smoking it won’t kill you, it won’t change everything in your world. Giggle a bit, see the irony in things and how truly colorful and beautiful the world is we us. Maybe occasionally a bad trip but in general it’s cheap and kind of fun. Just like sparklers and ground fireworks which until recently were illegal in New York.

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