Don’t eat the rice, you’ll get arsenic poisoning! 🍚

Don’t eat the rice, you’ll get arsenic poisoning! 🍚

White rice is unhealthy, fruits and vegetables are often contaminated with heavy metal, especially if you don’t get the special expensive organic type from the yuppie store, and you might as well not eat fruits and vegetables if you don’t eat kale.

And other bullshit along those lines.

I’m passing up on the free cake at work and I’m making sure to eat many pounds of fruits and vegetables every week now. I make rice a part of many meals β€” a mixture of white and brown rice. Brown rice is more filling and healthier but it takes longer to cook. So I do both, and make a big portion for multiple dinners and lunches. Cook it with lentils, which are another cheap food source that is quite healthy.

I often think the organic and pure healthy foods crowd really doesn’t want you to eat healthy but is just a shrill for the processed food industry. Let’s be honest β€” an apple or broccoli farmed with conventional methods is far healthier then any junk food you could find at the store. Cheaper too, as most processed food looks cheap but it’s not compared to fruits and vegetables bought in bulk, especially if they are flash frozen.

I was listening to a podcast the other day, and they had an advertising segment for Whole Foods. Yes, they did mention healthy foods, but quickly switched to reminding people they have a bakery full of cakes and desserts. I can’t help to think that many people go to Whole Foods to buy β€œfresh” kale to only allow it to rot on kitchen counter while they gorge on the brownies they bought while healthy shopping.

I’m quite happy to shop at Walmart and get my apples and frozen fruit and rice there, even if it is conventionally grown. There may be heavy metals residues in foods, we live in a world of modern chemistry. Milk, cheese and meat β€” and most processed foods have dioxins, PCBs, and other chemicals. But let’s be honest what kills most people, it’s not the trace levels of arsenic or even dioxins in food. It’s the fats and sugars that are part of our contemporary diets. Federal food safety standards provide a reasonable level of safety for eating healthy food, and any trace levels of toxins in healthy food are far surpassed compared to the unhealthy, common alternatives.

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