Locations and Maps of Lean-Tos in NYS

Interactive Map of Lean-Tos

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Note: This list is sorted from North to South, and West to East in New York, therefore the farthest North Lean-To in NY State is in the Debar Mountain Wild Forest, and the farthest south one is in David A. Sarnoff Pine Barrens Preserve in Long Island. Location links take you to aerial photos of the Lean-Tos on the free ACME Mapper.

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State Forest LandNameTypeDescriptionLocation
Debar Mtn. Wild ForestDebar Mountian Lean-ToLean-To 44.598926, -74.228592
Debar Mtn. Wild ForestGrass Pond Lean-ToLean-To 44.493389, -74.251194
Taylor Pond Wild ForestNorth Shore Taylor Pond Lean-ToLean-ToManaged By Operations44.4897, -73.861427
Taylor Pond Wild ForestSouth East Taylor Pond Lean-ToLean-ToManaged By Operations44.482888, -73.853777
Taylor Pond Wild ForestNorthwest Shore Taylor Pond Lean-ToLean-ToManaged By Operations44.477689, -73.881283
Taylor Pond Wild ForestPoke-O-Moonshine Summit Lean-ToLean-To 44.399797, -73.514557
Saint Regis Canoe AreaFish Pond Campsite 2Lean-To 44.396133, -74.370421
Saint Regis Canoe AreaFish Pond Campsite 5Lean-To 44.391301, -74.365807
Saint Regis Canoe AreaSt. Regis Pond South Shore Lean-ToLean-ToWithin The Adopt A Lean-To System44.380642, -74.320299
Saint Regis Canoe AreaSt. Regis Pond Campsite 19Lean-To 44.380626, -74.320423
Wolf Lake State ForestBeaver Flow Lean-ToLean-To 44.357822, -75.316001
Mckenzie Mtn. WildernessLoch Bonnie Lean-ToLean-To 44.347347, -73.995669
Mckenzie Mtn. WildernessWhite Face Brook Lean-ToLean-To 44.344217, -73.928647
Wolf Lake State ForestWolf Lake Lean-ToLean-To 44.336323, -75.313886
Saranac Lakes Wild ForestLake Placid Campsite 3Lean-To 44.332595, -73.95668
Saranac Lakes Wild ForestLake Placid Campsite 2Lean-To 44.332296, -73.956626
Wolf Lake State ForestMoon Pond Lean-ToLean-To 44.332276, -75.321172
Saranac Lakes Wild ForestFollensby ClearLean-To 44.325095, -74.349897
Wolf Lake State ForestHuckleberry Lake Lean-ToLean-To 44.324272, -75.333738
Mckenzie Mtn. WildernessPlacid Lean-ToLean-To 44.321456, -74.030786
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.309124, -74.18053
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.302887, -74.302634
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.289835, -74.216869
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.286942, -74.289775
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.286657, -74.162602
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.271712, -74.273283
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.265599, -74.24293
Hurricane Mountain Primitive AreaLost Pond/BiesemeyerLean-To 44.26073, -73.710011
Hurricane Mountain Primitive AreaGulf Brook Lean-ToLean-To 44.253097, -73.71796
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Lean-To 44.228772, -74.375533
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.198805, -74.31831
Horseshoe Lake Wild ForestEagle Landing Lean-ToLean-To 44.19683, -74.512309
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.177317, -74.321808
Giant Mountain WildernessGiant Mtn. Lean-ToLean-To 44.175641, -73.722171
Giant Mountain WildernessGiant Mtn. Lean-ToLean-To 44.175641, -73.722171
Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest Lean-To 44.158907, -74.560725
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.15683, -74.313308
Cranberry Lake Wild Forest Lean-To 44.1534, -74.884029
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.147236, -74.318105
Dix Mountain WildernessBouquet Lean-ToLean-To 44.110904, -73.774043
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.105829, -74.312037
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 44.102744, -74.321863
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 44.082504, -74.333915
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 44.081407, -74.335829
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.065927, -74.326697
Dix Mountain WildernessLilian Brook Lean-ToLean-To 44.058989, -73.806533
Dix Mountain WildernessSlide Brook Lean-ToLean-To 44.044126, -73.805858
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.042977, -74.349335
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.041409, -74.350149
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.02862, -74.366763
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 44.002655, -74.38648
William C. Whitney WildernessLake Lila # 7Lean-To 44.002145, -74.775682
High Peaks Wilderness Lean-To 43.998164, -74.392741
Independence River Wild ForestTrout Pond Lean ToLean-To 43.928489, -74.94487
Independence River Wild ForestTrout Pond Lean ToLean-To 43.928489, -74.94487
Sargent Ponds Wild ForestDeerland Carry Lean-To 2Lean-ToFair Condition43.926218, -74.475396
Sargent Ponds Wild ForestDeerland Carry Lean-To 1Lean-ToFair Condition43.925781, -74.475846
Sargent Ponds Wild ForestPinebrook Lean-ToLean-ToFair Condition43.906646, -74.50259
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.902847, -74.548063
Blue Mountain Wild ForestNorth End Tirrel Pond Lean-ToLean-To 43.887378, -74.377739
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.879414, -74.606052
Blue Mountain Wild ForestO’neil Lean-ToLean-To 43.875096, -74.367316
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.871006, -74.628108
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.870772, -74.628507
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.87072, -74.629172
Sargent Ponds Wild ForestLower Sargents Pond Lean-ToLean-ToFair Condition43.859331, -74.562695
Blue Ridge WildernessBoulderLean-To 43.841564, -74.472689
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.836898, -74.535266
Moose River Plains Wild Forest Lean-To 43.831671, -74.661756
Moose River Plains Wild Forest Lean-To 43.831605, -74.661511
Moose River Plains Wild Forest Lean-To 43.831434, -74.660902
Blue Ridge WildernessCascade Pond Lean-ToLean-To 43.829744, -74.436618
Independence River Wild ForestPanther Pond Lean-ToLean-To 43.823535, -75.169312
Blue Ridge WildernessWilson PondLean-To 43.820192, -74.46868
Blue Ridge WildernessStephens PondLean-To 43.818674, -74.420524
Blue Ridge WildernessStephens PondLean-To 43.818674, -74.420524
Blue Ridge WildernessStephens PondLean-To 43.818674, -74.420524
Blue Ridge WildernessStephens PondLean-To 43.818674, -74.420524
Blue Ridge WildernessStephens PondLean-To 43.818674, -74.420524
Blue Ridge WildernessStephens PondLean-To 43.818674, -74.420525
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.817134, -74.64378
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.81709, -74.643251
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Lean-To 43.8162, -74.644668
Blue Ridge WildernessBlue Ridge Lean-ToLean-To 43.80014, -74.610139
Moose River Plains Wild Forest8thlake East Shore Lean-ToLean-To 43.789783, -74.698592
Moose River Plains Wild Forest8th Lake North Shore Lean-ToLean-To 43.780115, -74.704439
Moose River Plains Wild Forest8th Lake Island Lean-ToLean-To 43.779025, -74.704429
Moose River Plains Wild Forest Lean-To 43.75639, -74.717817
Moose River Plains Wild Forest Lean-To 43.750767, -74.734643
Moose River Plains Wild Forest Lean-To 43.747805, -74.744199
Independence River Wild ForestPine Lake Lean-ToLean-To 43.708394, -75.146453
HaderondahMiddle Branch LakeLean-To 43.702926, -75.096002
Siamese Ponds WildernessHour Pond Lean-ToLean-To 43.70112, -74.158221
HaderondahCedar Pond Lean ToLean-To 43.69597, -75.082602
HaderondahMiddle Settlement LakeLean-To 43.685949, -75.098614
West Canada Lakes WildernessColvin Brook Lean-ToLean-To 43.652414, -74.49038
Lake George Wild ForestFive Mile Mountain Lean-ToLean-ToLean-To W/ Privy And Firering43.647336, -73.574534
Black River Wild ForestRemsen Falls Lean-ToLean-To 43.629925, -75.036288
Lake George Wild ForestFifth Peak Lean-ToLean-ToLean-To W/ Privy And Firering43.619313, -73.584112
Black River Wild ForestWoodhull Lake Lean-ToLean-To 43.599885, -75.020382
Lake George Wild ForestBlack Mountain Ponds Lean-ToLean-ToLean-To With Privy And Firering43.59966, -73.533064
West Canada Lakes WildernessPillsbury Lake Lean-ToLean-To 43.596898, -74.531665
Lake George Wild Forest Lean-ToCampsite With Lean-To 13-2743.595821, -73.517951
Lake George Wild Forest Lean-ToCampsite With Lean-To 5-1043.587168, -73.527759
Lake George Wild ForestGreenland Pond LeantoLean-ToLeanto With Privy, Picnic Table And Fire Ring43.577804, -73.51684
Lake George Wild ForestFishbrook Pond North LeantoLean-ToLeanto With Privy, Picnic Table And Fire Ring43.576039, -73.536103
Lake George Wild ForestFishbrook Pond South LeantoLean-ToLeanto With Privy, Picnic Table And Fire Ring43.573872, -73.538477
Black River Wild ForestSand Lake Falls Lean-ToLean-To 43.558914, -75.003058
Black River Wild ForestGull Lake Lean-ToLean-To 43.553747, -75.059378
Black River Wild ForestChub Pond Lean-To #2Lean-To 43.529823, -75.042494
Black River Wild ForestChub Pond Lean-To #1Lean-To 43.524598, -75.043801
West Canada Lakes WildernessT Lake Leant-ToLean-To 43.452718, -74.582282
Silver Lake WildernessHamilton Lake Stream Lean-To 1Lean-To 43.39716, -74.455046
Silver Lake WildernessHamilton Lake Stream Lean-To 2Lean-To 43.397156, -74.455065
Cobb Brook State ForestLeantoLean-To 43.344545, -75.67222
Silver Lake WildernessMud Lake Lean-ToLean-To 43.342671, -74.456291
Deruyter State ForestDeruyter Lean-ToLean-To 42.820185, -75.859105
Morgan Hill State ForestMorgan Hill Lean-ToLean-To 42.767202, -76.011256
Perkins Pond State ForestFlt Lean-ToLean-To 42.642307, -75.743766
Dutch Settlement State ForestLean-ToLean-To 42.629438, -74.267543
Whaupaunaucau StateLeantoLean-To 42.606063, -75.467114
Burnt-Rossman Hills State ForestEminence Lean-ToLean-To 42.543304, -74.488595
Clapper Hollow State ForestClapper Hollow Lean-ToLean-To 42.528201, -74.642004
Tuller Hill State ForestTuller Hill Lean-T0Lean-ToRebuilt In 2002 From Local State Forest Red Pine, Built By Volunteers From Suny Cortland42.512201, -76.120824
Kennedy State ForestFoxfire LeantoLean-To 42.472853, -76.178732
Ludlow Creek State ForestLudlow Creek Lean-ToLean-To8β€² X 10β€²42.445802, -75.701507
Genegantslet State ForestTop Ten Lean-ToLean-To20β€² X 20β€²42.422887, -75.767435
Robinson Hollow State ForestKimme Lean-ToLean-To 42.390596, -76.271801
Sugar Hill State ForestVanzandt Lean-ToLean-To 42.389935, -76.972601
Sugar Hill State ForestThe Twin Lean-To’sLean-ToTwo Lean-To At This Location42.382253, -77.00268
Sugar Hill State ForestTemplar Rd Lean-ToLean-To 42.373082, -76.95548
Sugar Hill State ForestParks Hollow Lean-ToLean-To 42.369463, -77.012608
Huntersfield State ForestLean-ToLean-To 42.355041, -74.346067
Beebe Hill State ForestBeebe Hill Lean-ToLean-To 42.335425, -73.484181
Shindagin Hollow State ForestShindagin Lean-T0Lean-ToScheduled For Replacement In 200442.327644, -76.329036
Danby State ForestBald Hill Lean-ToLean-To 42.327042, -76.490061
Danby State ForestTravor Rd Lean-ToLean-To 42.317642, -76.422544
Harvey Mountain State ForestHarvey Mountain Lean-ToLean-To 42.313988, -73.441495
Burt Hill State ForestOn Finger Lake Trail Lean-ToLean-To 42.313213, -77.566373
Elm Ridge Wild ForestOn Elm Ridge Trail Lean-ToLean-To 42.306134, -74.173598
South Bradford State ForestMoss Hill Lean-ToLean-To 42.289116, -77.118881
Windham Blackhead Range WildernessBatavia Kill Lean-ToLean-To 42.278839, -74.102579
Rusk Mountain Wild ForestJohn Robb Leanto Lean-ToLean-To 42.189374, -74.238696
Rusk Mountain Wild ForestDiamond Notch Lean-ToLean-To 42.16917, -74.256848
Hunter-West Kill Mountain WildernessDevil’s Acre Lean-ToLean-ToGood Condition42.165955, -74.229624
Arctic China State ForestA-40 Lean-ToLean-To 42.158491, -75.362027
Barbour Brook State ForestA-41 Lean ToLean-To 42.152807, -75.31021
  Lean-To 42.135655, -74.16269
Dry Brook Ridge Wild ForestGerman Hollow Road Lean-ToLean-To 42.134527, -74.616198
  Lean-To 42.119518, -74.086575
  Lean-To 42.117719, -74.503199
  Lean-To 42.115031, -74.49075
  Lean-To 42.102787, -74.394826
  Lean-To 42.098467, -74.09079
Big Indian Wildernes AreaRider Hollow Lean-ToLean-To 42.092012, -74.505713
  Lean-To 42.082185, -74.586611
Big Indian Wildernes AreaMckinly Hollow Lean-ToLean-To 42.075339, -74.485857
  Lean-To 42.071935, -74.28035
  Lean-To 42.069751, -74.287449
  Lean-To 42.067368, -74.586988
  Lean-To 42.066913, -74.654635
Big Indian Wildernes AreaShandaken Brook Lean-ToLean-To 42.050274, -74.5106
Delaware Wild ForestCampbell Mountain Trail Lean-ToLean-To 42.048989, -74.927363
  Lean-To 42.048641, -74.645056
  Lean-To 42.039437, -74.594017
  Lean-To 42.027316, -74.335645
Delaware Wild ForestTrout Pond Trail North Lean-ToLean-ToBuilt For Ada42.012942, -74.946392
Delaware Wild ForestTrout Pond Trail South Lean-ToLean-ToBuilt For Ada42.011758, -74.947566
Big Indian Wildernes AreaBiscuit Brook Lean-ToLean-To 42.009105, -74.483852
Delaware Wild ForestPelnor Hollow Trail Lean-ToLean-To 42.005744, -74.867403
Big Indian Wildernes AreaFall Brook Lean-ToLean-To 41.998075, -74.560392
  Lean-To 41.959182, -74.406877
  Lean-To 41.94006, -74.632055
David A. Sarnoff Pine Barrens PreserveInterior Lean- ToLean-To 40.89774, -72.660615

Lean-To Side

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