Idaho Living Group! πŸ₯”

I recently joined a few different Idaho Living groups on Facebook. Not because I’m necessarily planning to move to Idaho tomorrow but I want to learn more about the state, it’s customs and it’s way of life. I’ve become interested in Idaho mostly by following off-grid Youtube channels, namely Imagine Acre Wood, North Country Off-Grid, and the Idaho Hillbilly.

Idaho definitely has some benefits β€” it’s live and let live culture β€” good gun laws, less zoning and property codes, pro-farming, less restrictions on fires and open burning outside of the fire season. There is a lot of remote wild country up that way, great mountains and vast open spaces. Nobody is going to care if you make some noise or smoke, have some smelly and noisy livestock, or have some fun your land.

So it’s interesting to learn more about living out west.

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