Gun violence and crime fears are tone death

I think the left wing’s push for gun control and the right wings push back against crime and the war on cops is kind of tone deaf.

 Molon Labe

While the media is highlighting crime and gun violence, the opposite is true in most people’s lives – crime is going down, neighborhoods are the safest they’ve been in half a century. Murders have fallen to historically low levels, indeed much of the reason why suicides have increased in the country is because murder has fallen so much. Murder after all is suicide by other means.

Indeed, if you look at the push by the left to loosen criminal penalties and legalize marijuana, much of it comes from the realization crime has fallen dramatically. Likewise, right wing gun advocates can legitimately say that fears of gun violence are overblown when crime and murder has fallen so much in recent decades.

Television news brings violence into one’s home every night. It shows sad relatives and friends of the dead, it shows the drama of the courtroom as mostly the colored and poor are brought to what the television calls justice. But despite what indigestion television is causing to folks eating TV dinners, and the cheers and jeers of the politician class, it’s distant from the everyday reality folks are living.

1 Comment

  • Jeffrey Barthelmes says:

    Convenient that these charts don’t show more recent stats, as they would show a remarkably dramatic spike up to the present. I will agree that the controlled media greatly amplifies crimes in our awareness, especially those involving guns, because their purpose in that is to disarm average law-abiding citizens and deny us any reasonable means of self-defense. And before you cry over arrest rates by race, you must consider that a well known minority we are forbidden to identify in any practical terms lately is committing the vast majority of those crimes. In NYC in particular, a rather inequitable catch and release program involving hardened criminals is considered its very opposite, somehow more β€œequitable”. Popular delusion courtesy major media is delusion all the same. They know they can spread it like virus, especially in a political environment designed to…spread actual virus…(groan!)

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