The smell of crime πŸ‘ƒπŸ»

We all went to high school and remember the smell of pot burning in the high school bathroom. Or wafting from the street corner. And remember it was only a few years ago, if a cop caught you with visible pot – you know like when you were smoking it or just had it out on table, you would be charged with a misdemeanor crime, have to go to court and potentially jail, rehab or probation. Possess too much pot, and you were looking at years in prison.

Nowadays marijuana is legal, not only can you possess it and grow it, you can easily and cheaply buy it at a dispensery that is similar to buying beer in Pennsylvania at a package shop. It’s now cheaper to get stoned then drunk. If your over 21, you just walk in to dispensery, tell them what you want and pay with cash – or for a fee, credit card.

After smoking it, as a legal product, cannabis really has a different sensation and smell. Still pungent, it’s still a quite rich smell. It’s the smell of a good, relaxed experience to be enjoyed and not associated with the cops, jail and court. It’s no longer associated with all the evils of government and the moralizers who say it’s the devil’s lettuce.

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