You don’t look the way you used to

Recently, I’ve noticed that people have been commenting on how I look different from before. Some are genuinely worried about the changes in my facial appearance and profile. Additionally, an increasing number of people have expressed concerns about my face appearing somewhat sunken, likely due to the loss of fat in my face and neck. Still, my chest doesn’t share the same flatness though my waist line has dropped significantly. While I still have room to lose a few pounds, I’m uncertain about the extent, especially since I’m reintroducing higher-quality dairy, homemade whole-grain breads, and healthier locally-sourced meats into my diet.

People seem to assume that I’m following a strict diet or that I might have health issues. The reality, though, is that I’ve been educating myself about nutrition and making healthier food choices. Rather than focusing on portion control, I’ve been loading up on fruits and vegetables. When you fill your plate with well-prepared, delicious vegetables, it’s naturally difficult to consume excess calories because your stomach has its limits. While indulging in too many veggies might send you to the bathroom frequently, they won’t contribute to weight gain due to their high water and fiber content compared to carbohydrates and fats.

Despite the concerns voiced by others, I’ve never been happier in my life. My stomach feels full, and I experience fewer hunger pangs. I’ve managed to avoid regular sugar crashes and junk food cravings. Processed sugar doesn’t hold the same appeal for me anymore, and even fatty foods have lost their allure. When your stomach is satisfied and you’re aware of the harm they can cause, things like cake and cookies lose their satisfaction. Importantly, my mental health has significantly improved since I’m no longer on a rollercoaster of sugar-induced highs and subsequent crashes.

In my forties, gaining knowledge about the relationship between food and health has profoundly transformed both my perspective and my body. The positive effects I encounter on a daily basis far outweigh the initial challenges of making changes. Undoubtedly, my 40th year of life stands out as the most remarkable thus far, and I’m confident that the trajectory will continue to improve.

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