Public Lands Policy

Why Jones Pond is One of My Favorite Campsites

Jones Pond has 5 drive-in campsites on Jones Pond, a small public-private lake a little ways from Paul Smiths. A popular area on weekends, on weeknights, it is little used, but right on this beautiful lake.

Hiking Bettty Brook Road on Sunday 10/10

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All of the campsites have “filtered” views of Jones Pond with tall white pines growing throughout the campground. The sun, year round sets on the lake, with views of Saint Regis Mountain te background. There is much beauty at all of campsites, with high sand dunes a little ways behind campsites, and sand dunes providing sound and light barriers between campsites.


Part of the generalized St Regis Canoe Area, it one of many nearby lakes. It provides a great place to make the night after a long day paddling, after watching the sunset, and the fire burn as the night progresses. Walk down to the shoreline, and look at the stars sparkle in the sky.


It’s not perfect. There is some road noise from Jones Pond Road, and certainly part of lake shore is privately owned, so there are some power boats occassionally on the lake. But still, it’s a wonderful experience.

Saint Regis Mountain

Christmas Lights

Campgrounds are Gross

I got this book out of the library the other day titled, “The Best of Tent Camping: A guide for car campers who hate RVs, Concrete Slabs, and Loud Portable Stereos” and thought it was a perfect read until I actually opened the book and found out it was a book expounding the virtues of state campgrounds, rather then back country and roadside locations for camping.

I once stayed in a state campground. It had to be the most miserable day in my life. I really don’t need to be told by some jackbooted thug how to operate my campsite, when I must turn down the music or dim the camp lights, or otherwise restrict what I want to do. I want shoot guns at midnight, then that should be my right.

Camping at Cumberland Head State Park

Campgrounds are tightly packed locations, versus the typical 1/4 mile plus spacing between most roadside and backcountry campsites, where you are out of eyeshot and earshot of other campers, so you are pretty much free to do what you want without restriction of the government or annoyance of others.

If you need the kind of services that campgrounds you probably shouldn’t go up to woods. Especially if your tent camping, a developed campground just seems kind of silly and wasteful. You can always burn and pack out your garbage, and there are creeks to swim in to clean yourself out.

Why I’ve Fallen in Love With Piseco-Powley Road

This past summer I have spent 3 weeks at Powley-Piseco Road up at Powley Place, about 10 miles north of Stratford. Despite visiting and camping in many other parts of the Adirondacks, this area has a special part in my heart.

Information Center

I really like Powley Place. I like the sandy “plains” and the marshy areas. I like being able to see those handsome cedars lining the East Canada Creek, and wander out at night at look at the stars. I love feeling of sand on my feet, and cooling off in the East Canada creek.

White Pines After Dark

The Potholers always have the perfect amount of ice cold water in even on the hottest day. You get covered by the spray of water that is never too low in the summer. It’s always so delightful.

Falling Water

All of it is relatively close together. Unlike the Moose River Plains, you don’t spend all day driving from destination to destination. And its much closer.

Keep the Government Off My Moose River Plains

Some of the Tea Party activist-types have been known to hold signs up that say “Keep the Government Off My Medicare”. Liberal commentators gets a kick out of that, by pointing out that Medicare is a government program and would not exist without the government. That is logical, but that is not the implied meaning — that government is something different then the public as a whole and functions the government is supposed to provide to the public.

Government doesn’t always serve the public interest. Indeed, in many cases it does not serve the public interest because of citizen apathy and because certain insiders have more power then average citizens. Laws are often written in smoke filled rooms, and are used to justify policies decades later that are not supported by the majority, but instead the small minority of special interest groups that originally got them passed.

Stop Barrier Ahead

Few examples could be clearer then Indian Lake Road, now closed at the bottom of the hill below Squaw Lake. This road went to Indian Lake prior to 2008, a beautiful wilderness lake that was great for paddling and fishing. It was closed due to Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan Act, and because the DEC wanted to “bank” 2.5 miles of Moose River Plains Road to use for then they acquired the Nature Conservancy parcels to add to the Vanderwhacker Wild Forest.

You can still walk those 2.5 miles. The road is in decent enough shape to allow you to bring a kayak back on wheels. And at least for now, you can still backpack in a campsite along the road. But then it makes Horn Lake and other places even farther back, and makes the back country even farther back. And it begs real questions: why is the government taking our public lands from us?

Tea Party folk are right to question why the government is taking things from us. the public that they should be providing things to and not taking away from us.

What Are Groupings of Primtive Tent Sites?

The Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan provides for “groupings of primitive tent sites”, that could be viewed as a loophole, or at least a solution to the 1/4 mile seperation that is normally required of “primitive tent sites”.

Designated Campsite

Small groupings of primitive tent sitesdesigned to accommodate a maximum of 20people per grouping under group campingconditions may be provided at carefullyselected locations in wild forest areas, eventhough each individual site may be withinsight or sound and less than approximatelyone-quarter mile from any other site withinsuch grouping, subject to the followingcriteria:

— such groupings will only beestablished or maintained on a site specificbasis in conformity with a duly adopted unitmanagement plan for the wild forest area inquestion;

— such groupings will be widelydispersed (generally a mile apart) andlocated in a manner that will blend with thesurrounding environment and have aminimum impact on the wild forestcharacter and natural resource quality of thearea;

— all new, reconstructed orrelocated tent sites in such groupings will beset back a minimum of 100 feet from themean high water mark of lakes, ponds,rivers and major streams and will be locatedso as to be reasonably screened from thewater body to avoid intruding on the naturalcharacter of the shoreline and the publicenjoyment and use thereof.

In a strict constructionist view of this language, one could claim that this only would apply to campsites specifically allowed to be use by groups of people, as permitted by the DEC. But also could it apply to small “groupings” of campsites along lakes or ponds, that might otherwise not comply with the 1/4 mile of seperation.

Therefore, if you have a grouping of 3-4 “individual” campsites, in a group setting (like on Mountain Pond), you would still have fewer then 20 people camping in a “group camping conditions”. While not an ideal situtation, it does seem to comply with the letter of the Adirondack State Land Master Plan, even if the most radical elements in park might not apprechiate that reading by state land unit management plan authors.

Unlike the language relating to individual primitive tent sites, there is no absolute language that requires a specific seperation, although the preference for these groupings is clearly one mile apart. If you had multiple groupings, out of eyeshot and earshot, let’s say a 1/4 mile apart, would it be consistent with the Adirondack State Land Master Plan?

In addition, the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan provides that in some language that allows tent sites for reasons of “severe terrian constraints” to violate the 1/4 mile seperation.

1. The structures andimprovements listed below will beconsidered as conforming to wildernessstandards and their maintenance,rehabilitation and construction permitted:

— primitive tent sites below 3,500feet in elevation that are out of sight andsound and generally one-quarter mile fromany other primitive tent site or lean-to:

(i) where physical and biologicalconditions are favorable, individual unitmanagement plans may permit theestablishment, on a site-specific basis, ofprimitive tent sites between 3,500 and 4,000feet in elevation, and,

(ii) where severe terrainconstraints prevent the attainment of theguideline for a separation distance ofgenerally one-quarter mile betweenprimitive tent sites, individual unitmanagement plans may provide, on asite-specific basis, for lesser separationdistances, provided such sites remain out ofsight and sound from each other, beconsistent with the carrying capacity of theaffected area and are generally not less than500 feet from any other primitive tent site;

Gulls on the breakwater

Many of the campsites that currently violate the 1/4 mile seperation along roads, could be consistent with the Adirondack State Land Master Plan, if this reading of the language of APSLMP was adopted. It might rankle some of the more extreme elements in the park, but it seems consistent both with pratice and the letter of the law.

Philosophy of the Adirondack Park vs Allegheny National Forest

There are probably not two different public lands in the Northeastern United States that are more different then the Adirondack Park and the Allegheny National Forest.

Looking Back at Trout Lake Mountain

The Adirondack Park’s Forest Preserve is one of the country’s largest wild forests, which basically is a wilderness area with very limited roads and motorized recreation or activity. Over half of the forest is totally free of motors of all sorts, from cars, trucks, boats, ATVs, and snowmobiles, to even generators used up at camp. No trees can ever be cut in Adirondack Forest Preserve, most uses and recreation are limited to current uses, and only are to become more restictive in the future. All use is strictly controlled by detailed regulations created by the State Department of Environmental Conservation and AdirondacK Park Agency, and public use is very restricted.

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The Allegheny National Forest has extensive road system, is extensive logged, and used for oil and natural gas production. It offers extensive developed recreation, including dozens of campgrounds, several ATV trails, hundreds of miles of truck trails and other roads, boat launches, and basically any other use one can imagination for a public lands. It literally has more oil and gas wells then all other USDA-administer National Forests across the nation, combined. The land is largely on a grid, and where it’s not, the land has many roads following natural contours. Wilderness areas are a relatively small portion of the area.

Buck Mountain in West Canada Wilderness

Which philsopohy of land management is better?

Environmental purists would prefer the park, because the landscape is more prestine, and vastly less trambled by man. Man-made uses, such as roads and roadside-campsites are limited largely to near roads, and wilderness areas have limited trails, with only a few lean-tos and backcountry campsites.

Looking Back to Wakely Dam

Conservationists in many cases would prefer the Allegheny National Forest. They would note the diversity of land uses, and that while it’s a largely wild landscape, with people primarily coming to visit, it also provides our economy with valuable products, such as timber, oil and gas. Recreational activities like all-terrian vehicles, scenic driving, and camping are offered, far more extensively then in New York Forest Preserve.

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I sometimes cringe when I look at the aerial photographs of Allegheny National Forest, or study the road maps. It looks like the entire ecosystem and forest is engineered. You can see the impacts of oil and gas drilling, and timber production — both which require a lot of roads, that don’t exist in Adirondack Park.

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However, due to lack of roads, and lack of facilities in most of Adirondack Park, use of land is largely limited to areas within 5-10 miles of existing public roads. A lot of true backcountry is too far back to pratically expect most people to ever go. Some activities — like ATV riding on public lands is non-existent. Camping activities are fairly restricted to designated spots along roadsides, at state campgrounds, and certain back country locations.

Bonaparte\'s Cave State Forest

While there is a lot to like about having some wilderness areas — like the Adirondack Park, when you review the regulations and policies the state has created for the goverence of the park, you have to wonder if they have gone too far. Some true wilderness areas are wonderful, but are there too much wilderness? Do restrictions on development of public lands leave too much restricted?

Wilcox Lake Wild Forest

I don’t know. The Adirondack Park is a delight, a great wild space, but it does seem sometimes that are state goes too far in restricting public use, and walling off all the lands from ever having any timber cut, or any new facilities developed under public demand.

Can You Sue the State For Failing to Protect Against Pollution?

Article XIV Section 4 states:

The policy of the state shall be to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty and encourage the development and improvement of its agricultural lands for the production of food and other agricultural products.

The legislature, in implementing this policy, shall include adequate provision for the abatement of air and water pollution and of excessive and unnecessary noise, the protection of agricultural lands, wetlands and shorelines, and the development and regulation of water resources.

Cedar River Below Dam

While Article XIV Section 5 provides:

A violation of any of the provisions of this article may be restrained at the suit of the people or, with the consent of the supreme court in appellate division, on notice to the attorney-general at the suit of any citizen.

This would state affirmatively that the any citizen may sue the state for failing to “conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty” and “encourage the development and improvement of its agricultural lands for the production of food and other agricultural products.”.