
Why I’ve Fallen in Love With Piseco-Powley Road

This past summer I have spent 3 weeks at Powley-Piseco Road up at Powley Place, about 10 miles north of Stratford. Despite visiting and camping in many other parts of the Adirondacks, this area has a special part in my heart.

Information Center

I really like Powley Place. I like the sandy “plains” and the marshy areas. I like being able to see those handsome cedars lining the East Canada Creek, and wander out at night at look at the stars. I love feeling of sand on my feet, and cooling off in the East Canada creek.

White Pines After Dark

The Potholers always have the perfect amount of ice cold water in even on the hottest day. You get covered by the spray of water that is never too low in the summer. It’s always so delightful.

Falling Water

All of it is relatively close together. Unlike the Moose River Plains, you don’t spend all day driving from destination to destination. And its much closer.

The Age of the Fun Suckers

The other night, I was an event when the speaker lamented the modern era with all it’s problems and how much fun they had in the “innocent” 1960s. My thought was that’s pretty darn unfair.


Why shouldn’t we — the young — be able to have some fun like they had in “olden” days, and wait to be ultra-conservative and have no fun like the old folks?

Cars are an Investment in Pleasure

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Muddy Chevy Silverado

Sure a car will rust and decay, fall apart, and be another junker. One might say it’s a waste of money.

When cars are not being driven solely for pleasure, they are the most miserable beasts, forcing one to follow extreme restrictions and control measures, doing nothing but forcing us to labor for meaningless waste.

Chevy Silverado Muddy Interior

Pictures via Tim Balogh on Flickr, via CreativeCommons license.