I wonder why people are lionizing of now philanthropist Billy Gates

I wonder why people are lionizing of now philanthropist Billy Gates. Billy ripped off ProDOS and used monopolistic tactics to corner the Operating Systems Market with Microsoft Windows, a poorly designed bloated operating system that is widely used for praying on the elderly and disabled with spyware installed by telephone scammers. An operating system that is mostly about selling software and additional products. In many ways his career is no better then the J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie.

Billy Gates is no expert or voice of authority on climate change or vaccines. He’s not a scientist, even if he has given to some of his ill-gotten worth to worthwhile causes. But he’s hardly somebody to look up. You would be a lot better to listen to real scientists and important decision-makers then a computer geek and theft become monopolist who in his retirement turned to philanthropy.Β 

The Man Behind the March on Washington

Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the March on Washington

2/25/21 by NPR

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/119608496
Episode: https://play.podtrac.com/npr-510333/edge1.pod.npr.org/anon.npr-mp3/npr/throughline/2021/02/20210225_throughline_bayard_rustin_mastered_w_ads.mp3?awCollectionId=510333&awEpisodeId=970292302&orgId=1&topicId=1136&d=4294&p=510333&story=970292302&t=podcast&e=970292302&size=68548545&ft=pod&f=510333

Bayard Rustin, the man behind the March on Washington, was one of the most consequential architects of the civil rights movement you may never have heard of. Rustin imagined how nonviolent civil resistance could be used to dismantle segregation in the United States. He organized around the idea for years and eventually introduced it to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But his identity as a gay man made him a target, obscured his rightful status and made him feel forced to choose, again and again, which aspect of his identity was most important.

March 1, 2021 11 AM Update

Average Temperatures

This table shows the average high, median, and low temperatures for the next year. Previous year values are shown in parenthesis. The sun angle is the maximum sun angle at solar noon for the day.

 Color For A Gray Day, February 15

WeekDateSun AngleHighMedianLow
March 441.1°40 (50) 31 (44)22 (38)
2March 1746.2°45 (51) 35 (43)26 (35)
3March 2850.5°50 (51) 40 (41)30 (30)
5April 754.3°55 (65) 44 (54)34 (42)
6April 1858.3°60 (49) 49 (42)38 (34)
8May 162.6°65 (61) 54 (55)43 (49)
10May 1666.6°70 (73) 58 (64)47 (55)
13June 369.7°75 (81) 64 (70)53 (58)
16June 2270.8°80 (95) 69 (83)59 (70)
24August 1860.4°80 (77) 70 (66)60 (55)
27September 852.9°75 (81) 65 (71)55 (61)
29September 2148°70 (61) 60 (47)50 (32)
30October 243.7°65 (60) 55 (52)45 (43)
32October 1538.7°60 (71) 50 (57)40 (42)
34October 2834.2°55 (48) 46 (42)36 (36)
36November 1030.2°50 (70) 42 (52)33 (34)
38November 2227.2°45 (41) 38 (32)30 (23)
39December 425.1°40 (48) 33 (42)26 (36)
41December 1724°35 (20) 28 (17)21 (13)
44January 825.2°30 (39) 22 (30)15 (21)
50February 1534.7°35 (28) 26 (16)17 (4)

Definitely thinking about one more night of winter camping this winter in the Adirondacks based on the current weekend forecast

While tonight is shitty NYE was great

Definitely thinking about one more night of winter camping this winter in the Adirondacks based on the current weekend forecast. Lots of sun, temperatures in the teens and 20s — so no issue with melting snow or mud.Β 

While I will want to top off the oil in the truck and get some groceries, this looks likes a perfect weekend to head north. Do some cross country skiing and an overnight camping. The snow is deep but if I get there early enough, wear my boots, I should be good.

Of course, there is still 5 days away and the forecast could still change.