March 1, 2021 11 AM Update

Average Temperatures

This table shows the average high, median, and low temperatures for the next year. Previous year values are shown in parenthesis. The sun angle is the maximum sun angle at solar noon for the day.

 Color For A Gray Day, February 15

WeekDateSun AngleHighMedianLow
March 441.1°40 (50) 31 (44)22 (38)
2March 1746.2°45 (51) 35 (43)26 (35)
3March 2850.5°50 (51) 40 (41)30 (30)
5April 754.3°55 (65) 44 (54)34 (42)
6April 1858.3°60 (49) 49 (42)38 (34)
8May 162.6°65 (61) 54 (55)43 (49)
10May 1666.6°70 (73) 58 (64)47 (55)
13June 369.7°75 (81) 64 (70)53 (58)
16June 2270.8°80 (95) 69 (83)59 (70)
24August 1860.4°80 (77) 70 (66)60 (55)
27September 852.9°75 (81) 65 (71)55 (61)
29September 2148°70 (61) 60 (47)50 (32)
30October 243.7°65 (60) 55 (52)45 (43)
32October 1538.7°60 (71) 50 (57)40 (42)
34October 2834.2°55 (48) 46 (42)36 (36)
36November 1030.2°50 (70) 42 (52)33 (34)
38November 2227.2°45 (41) 38 (32)30 (23)
39December 425.1°40 (48) 33 (42)26 (36)
41December 1724°35 (20) 28 (17)21 (13)
44January 825.2°30 (39) 22 (30)15 (21)
50February 1534.7°35 (28) 26 (16)17 (4)

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