
Just a nice evening sitting next to the virtual campfire.

PDAL – Point Data Abstraction Library

PDAL – Point Data Abstraction Library

6/23/21 by MapScaping

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PDAL is like GDAL just for point clouds … and maybe we should be thinking about point clouds as the third data type? Howard Bulter on Twitter @howardbutler Hobu Inc Remember to Subscribe πŸ™‚ Share this podcast with a friend! Join the email list Happy to connect with you on LinkedIn

Redneck – Wikipedia

Redneck – Wikipedia

Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Texas, Georgia, and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).

In Britain the Cambridge Dictionary definition states: "a poor, white person without education, esp. one living in the countryside in the southern US, who is believed to have prejudiced ideas and beliefs. This word is usually considered offensive." People from the white South sometimes jocularly call themselves "rednecks" as insider humor.

By the 1970s, the term had become offensive slang, its meaning expanded to include racism, loutishness, and opposition to modern ways.

Nature Bus

A few years back, the NY Parks Commissioner insisted that they charge parking fees to discourage the colored from using them.

But I don’t like fees and I like colorful things, so I’m glad they have that free nature bus this year.

Thompsons Lake...

It was a pretty nice day.

  • I got a pretty late start as I got looking at figuring out how to patch some buggy blog code and lost track of the time
  • Started out, left my mask home, which I need for the bus. Had to run back home
  • Spent some time at Five Rivers Environmental Education Center as I had to wait for the second bus
  • Took the second electric bus to Thacher Park and walked up to Thompsons Lake for an hour swimming up there
  • That lake is mucky for swimming and the beach was packed but it was free
  • Walked back to Thacher Park Visitors Center and then sat in the Adirondack Chairs they have there. No real comfortable
  • Had lunch and refilled my water bottle
  • I hate that new Visitor’s Center, it’s ugly, but the bathrooms are decent as is the water bottle refill fountain
  • Hung my hammock out by Paint Mine and laid back for a couple of hours watching a video and doing some reading
  • Nice cool breeze up in Thacher Park
  • Caught the electric bus back to Five Rivers

Can You Smoke Weed at Night and Still Be Productive at Work the Next Day?

Can You Smoke Weed at Night and Still Be Productive at Work the Next Day?

Now that cannabis has been legalized in more places around the world, scientists have started looking into its effects on productivity. The study published in May is based on tests conducted by professors Jeremy B. Bernerth from San Diego State University and H. Jack Walker from Auburn University. They found that regularly smoking a joint after work did not hurt employees’ performance the following day.