PDAL – Point Data Abstraction Library

PDAL – Point Data Abstraction Library

6/23/21 by MapScaping

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/124794323
Episode: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/zq7hms/PDAL_podcast6u8yu.mp3

PDAL is like GDAL just for point clouds … and maybe we should be thinking about point clouds as the third data type? Howard Bulter on Twitter @howardbutler Hobu Inc pdal.io https://entwine.io/ https://potree.entwine.io/ http://cesium.entwine.io/ Remember to Subscribe πŸ™‚ Share this podcast with a friend! Join the email list https://mapscaping.com/podcast Happy to connect with you on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielodonohue/

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