October Walk

I went for a walk in the woods on an early October day,

The leaves were quite colorful,

As I sat and watched the sparrows and the chipmunk

I sat until I was forgotten, by the wildlife

Just part of the scenery.

A vote for Biden or Trump in New York State is a wasted vote with the electoral college. πŸ—³

A vote for Biden or Trump in New York State is a wasted vote with the electoral college. πŸ—³

Biden is so far ahead in New York that you can protest vote for anyone else and not have any change on the tabulation of the election.

Probably well over a third of the electorate could vote for Jo Jergenson or Howie Hawkins in New York without effecting who is selected for the electoral college.

I think people are too addicted to the two party system and unwilling to consider the alternatives in fear that they would be a spoiler even though such evidence is exceptional rare of that happening.