
Tax the Adirondack Black Flies

I have a modest proposition β€” tax the black flies. I don’t know what rate, or how to collect such a tax β€” but it could greatly improve the quality of life in the Adirondacks during the spring black fly season. A modest tax on black flies could raise hundreds of millions of dollars..

If your not familiar with the black fly season, or have not been outside during a particularly hellish black fly season, you probably don’t understand the need for taxation on black flies, to control this Adirondack nuisance. Think swarms of little black flies, waiting for you to sit down, or even just stand still.

Forget about that cruel joke known as bug spray with DEET. That doesn’t do much of anything to control the black fly population. Moreover, the primary purpose of DEET is to make you sick from the smell of it. Citronella candles, DEET wipe pads β€” you might as not waste your money, as I think they mostly attract the black flies.

There are only four ways really to escape the clouds of Adirondack black flies:

  • Keep moving. Black flies need you stay still to bite you.
  • Hide out under the screens of your tent or truck cap.
  • Wait until it’s dark out. Black flies disappear within minutes of darkness.
  • Wait until late June. Then the black are all dead.

When the Big Red-era Comes to An End

One of the consistent thoughts I’ve had in recent months — both before and after buying Big Red — is Big Red-era coming to an end? Big Red, as those who regularly read my blog know is my Chevy Silverado pickup truck, which is my big truck, and primarily my toy for camping.

Gas prices are up big time this summer. They are significantly higher then a five or ten years ago. Some analysis suggest that gas prices will only continue to increase, as global petroleum stockpiles decrease — especially the easiest sources of petroleum are tapped. Some peak oil folks are almost in a panic.

At the same time, the signs of Climate Change are becoming more pronounced. We have had a record warm spring time this year, with record temperatures being smashed throughout the spring. We have also seen increasingly violent weather touching many parts of country in the past year.

NY Population Change 1970 to 2022

There are those who advocate more conservation now. We should immediately all take steps to reduce our climate footprint. Indeed, one of the reasons I take public transit around time, is to reduce my carbon footprint (plus driving in town is so annoying).

Yet, I have to ask, why did they get to have their fun when they were young, driving Mustangs and other Big, Fast, and Powerful Cars. while I don’t? Their response is we didn’t know better back then, even though they should have known better.