ice storm

Remembering the Ice Storm ’08

Notes on the Re-Run for Tuesday, December 6th.

β€” Andy

Throughout Friday, freezing rain, sleet, and snow came down, covering the State Capitol and surrounding building with a layer of ice.

Snow Capitol

The ice weighted down trees and made everything look β€œwet”, but it did not pile up all fluffy like we think of snow being.

Snow Across Hudson

Here are the Heldeberg Mountains covered with ice and beauty.

Heldebergs in Ice

The next morning walking through the woods, covered with ice and beauty at Cole Hill State Forest.

Ice Beauty

The swamp at Cole Hill was just shimmering in light.

Ice Swamp

While driving the pickup for a while got the ice melted off the doors, it kept freezing shut, and I had to keep cracking the ice off the doors.

Pickup with Ice

Ice on a Pine Tree at Thatcher Park.

 Ice Pine

Branches covered with ice where so pretty.

Ice Limbs

Even when it was on the power lines and knocked out power to thousands.

Ice on Power Lines

The Ice Storm of 2008 was so beautiful, even if it did knock out power and close down roads.