
So Why Does the Albany Pine Bush Commission Choose Not Recycle?

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve as seen from the Frontage Road on Washington Avenue …

Rapp Road Landfill

And view from the Overlook Dune…


And the Albany Pine Bush Preserve from the Alfred E Smith Building Observation Deck …


Walking in the preserve, I noticed the Albany Pine Bush Commission’s dumper, very full, and very full of recycables.

Free Primitive and Roadside Campsites in the Adirondacks

Exploring the dumpster, I found it full of junk mail, office paper, and plenty of other recycables …

2020 NY Population by (MTA) Region

The more you dug around there, the more aluminum cans and office paper you found in the dumpster.

Recycables in Albany Pine Bush Dumper

And even more recycable trash …

More Bottles and Cans in the Dumpster

… so if the Albany Pine Bush Commission is such a green organization, then why don’t they recycle paper, tin cans, magazines, junkmail, and so many other recycables ?

Plowing Day's Trash

..here’s Some Tip β€œGreen” Sheets for the Albany Pine Bush Commission, brought to you by the New York State Power Authority Recycling Exhibit.

Recycle Plastic

Recycle Cans

Recycle Glass

We Recycle