Banana peels 🍌 and orange shells 🍊

Lately I’ve been using the full seedless orange in cooking. The shell has a fair amount of flavor and shredded it adds healthy fiber to the shredded orange to help balance out the fructose. Obviously wash I first but the shred is a wonderful toping on Greek yogurt or pancakes. Or just to eat in a bowl with some ginger mixed in.

Following up on that logic, I’ve decided to try cooking banana peels. While not as flavorful, it seems silly to waste them. I’ve done them shredded and fried in olive oil with apples and banana inners. I’ve also done banana peel chips in the broiler with lots of cinnamon. Pares well with baked apple. It’s a good tactic to battle inflation and reduce waste in your own life. And it’s more fiber to fill you up and slow the absorption of the fructose.

I’m not diabetic but that’s a nasty, deadly disease that ultimately will kill you if you are unfortunate enough to secumb to it. Really if you can save your pancreas by limiting sugars of all types and eating a high fiber diet you can greatly improve your quality of life for today and decades to come.