
Sometimes I wish I had studied cartography and remote sensing in college πŸ“‘πŸŒŽ

Sometimes I wish I had studied cartography and remote sensing in college πŸ“‘πŸŒŽ

Truth be told, it wasn’t really a serious option some 20 years ago. While a handful of colleges offered classes in GIS and remote sensing, it was very much in it’s infancy …

  • Back then computers had very limited memory, hard drive and processing power — hard drives were rated in gigabytes and memory in hundred megabytes — and no ultra-fast solid-state hard drives
  • With large GIS files, it would have been impossible to download them over a dial-up internet
  • The quality of GIS data back in 2000 was rather poor as sensors were crude, GPS recorders were a new and expensive technology, the Census TIGER/Line files were rather geographically inaccurate
  • In 2000, a lot of now-freely available on the Internet data was only available for purchase, and it was expensive and came on multiple CD-ROMs
  • While there was rather cryptic but powerful GRASS back then, there was no Quantum GIS, which has become a very powerful open-source GIS program in the past twenty years

The disadvantage to not having formal training, is one doesn’t see things in an ordered, formal way. I learned how to make maps and use GIS data in a hands-on-way, and only learned the minimal terminology and methods required to get desired output. I understand the doings of map making, but not so much the theory. I have been reading open college textbooks to pick up some more of the formal theory behind maps, but a lot of methods are crude and just based on experience of what works.

But I am kind of glad that I don’t do map making professionally. It really frees me up to do my own thing, on my own time, not having to worry about conflicts with work. If I do a map or GIS research for an activist group, nobody can say I’m utilizing work equipment, skills or data I acquired from my job. Instead, I am doing it totally on my own based on my own studies and knowledge.

I’ve looked a bit at college classes nowadays, but they’re rather expensive, and I’m not sure how much they would benefit me. I guess it would be something to put on a resume, but I am generally happy with my current career, and the cost is high for getting a certification in something I am fairly familiar with at least on a practical perspective. Plus, I often think any classroom learning would be out of date, compared to what I am using nowadays with Quantum GIS and other open source tools and data.

Opening E00 Files

Programs that use GDAL as a back-end should be able to natively open .e00 files β€” for example QGIS, GRASS, SAGA, ogr2ogr, Python’s GeoPandas or R Statistical Programming’s sf package. This is a default built-in driver in GDAL.

If you have GDAL installed (which you may already have if you have any open source GIS software installed), you can also use ogr2ogr to do the conversion. Due to the limitations of Shapefiles, you it is better to convert to GeoPackage, as Arc/Info E00 files can have field names longer than 10-character long Shapefiles.

ogr2ogr output.shp input.e00 # note output comes before input

In the past, gdal didn’t have native E00 support but all recent versions do.

About the AVCE00 driver:

Programs that use GDAL as a backend:

ogr2ogr man page:

Take a look at Spatial Reserves blog for some other options using an online converter if you don’t have the open-source stack installed your computer.

The state has updated their building footprints service with addresses

The state has updated their building footprints service with addresses. You can connect to the ArcGIS REST/Services here:

Or to download the files directly, see below:

CountySourceDatesLink to Download
AlbanyNYSERDA, Microsoft2008-2021
AlleganyNYSERDA, Microsoft2016
BronxMicrosoft, NYC Open Data2005-2018
BroomeNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2018
CattaraugusNYSERDA, Microsoft2016-2017
CayugaNYSERDA, Microsoft2015
ChautauquaNYSERDA, Microsoft2016-2017
ChemungNYSERDA, Microsoft2014
ChenangoNYSERDA, Microsoft2015
ClintonNYSERDA, Microsoft2014
ColumbiaNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2017
CortlandNYSERDA, Microsoft2012
DelawareNYSERDA, Microsoft2005-2019
DutchessNYSERDA, Microsoft2009
ErieNYSERDA, Microsoft2008-2020
EssexNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2017
FranklinNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2016
FultonNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2018
GeneseeNYSERDA, Microsoft2011-2015
GreeneNYSERDA, Microsoft2009-2016
HamiltonNYSERDA, Microsoft2015-2018
HerkimerNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2017
JeffersonNYSERDA, Microsoft2010-2015
KingsMicrosoft, NYC Open Data2019
LewisNYSERDA, Microsoft2014
LivingstonNYSERDA, Microsoft2011-2015
MadisonNYSERDA, Microsoft2015-2020
MonroeNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2017
MontgomeryNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2017
NassauNYSERDA, Microsoft2013
New YorkMicrosoft, NYC Open Data2019
NiagaraNYSERDA, Microsoft2017-2020
OneidaNYSERDA, Microsoft2013
OnondagaNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2020
OntarioNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2017
OrangeNYSERDA, Microsoft2013-2019
OrleansNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2020
OswegoNYSERDA, Microsoft2009-2020
OtsegoNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2018
PutnamNYSERDA, Microsoft2013-2018
QueensMicrosoft, NYC Open Data2019
RensselaerNYSERDA, Microsoft2010-2017
RichmondMicrosoft, NYC Open Data2019
RocklandNYSERDA, Microsoft2007
SaratogaNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2018
SchenectadyNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2017
SchoharieNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2018
SchuylerNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2018
SenecaNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2018
St LawrenceNYSERDA, Microsoft2014-2016
SteubenNYSERDA, Microsoft2015
SuffolkNYSERDA, Microsoft2006-2019
SullivanNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2019
TiogaNYSERDA, Microsoft2007-2018
TompkinsNYSERDA, Microsoft2014
UlsterNYSERDA, Microsoft2008-2019
WarrenNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2018
WashingtonNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2017
WayneNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2020
WestchesterNYSERDA, Microsoft2013-2018
WyomingNYSERDA, Microsoft2015-2017
YatesNYSERDA, Microsoft2012-2018