Not all modes of transit make sense everywhere. We should do everything possible to discourage private motor vehicle transportation in our city centers, that are already clogged with smoke-belching automobiles. Taxing automobiles who head into the city makes a lot of sense, as it reinforces the message of the importance of using transit in urban areas. While in more outlaying areas, private automobiles make more sense, in the city, it should be place of subway, bus, and train to get around — technologies that can move a lot of people around — not take a lot of space up and not belch as much noise, smoke, pollution as individual automobiles do.
Kind of a cloudy, dark and gray start to the day but not so cold out as the wind died down. Yesterday, with that wind howling around made for some pretty cold hiking in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, but they’ve done some nice work restoring the Kings Road Barrens and 40 New Karner.
Working on some code this morning but I want to get to store fairly soon before the crowds arrive. Seems weird but I need to stock up on groceries for coming the week, which will be upon us before you know it. Back to work on Monday, though I expect it to be only a four day week with the state closed for Jimmy Carter’s funeral on Thursday. Going to be cold this week, though this morning isn’t so bad as there is no wind blowing. But first I got to shower and get dressed.
Went to laundromat last night, so that’s one thing off my list. Got lots of nice dressy but not too formal shirts for work, at thrift stores yesterday. Also got this nice big heavy brass lamp for my desk. Going to get another 200 watt bulb to stick in (well 26 watt equivalent bulb) and move my other desk lamp to the back of my office that gets pretty dark. I really hate the overhead florescent lighting. I need to figure out if I can bring the big lamp on the bus or if I should just drive in one day. I really don’t like driving in, especially not the evening rush hour traffic.
I want to work on the bike, at least get the brake fluid topped off so I have good stops even if I don’t get around to replacing the pads today. Almost tempted to go for a ride into work on Monday, as it’s not going to be as cold as later in the week. That said, it still will be cold. But I’m antsy to get out riding again. Maybe today for a while, though I expect the wind to pick up and I want to work down at the library for a while. I’ll work inside the library, but I’ll wear my muzzle at least while around others at the library, but at this point I believe I’m 14 days out from the COVID exposure (I think I got COVID at the Nutcracker — you know people don’t necessarily stay home when they’re seeing their kid at a live performance and they’ve paid a lot of money to do it). I’m just glad I’m over that, but am thinking of wearing the mask a lot more this winter, at least on bus and when I’m around others.
It could be a powerful demonstration that taxes on businesses do not necessarily lead to greater unemployment and higher prices for consumers, or that the relationship between the two is less tightly paired than is commonly assumed.
There is an assumption, that is wrong, that all or potentially most of tarrifs will be paid by consumers. But people and businesses are smart and profit seeking – they will find ways to avoid tarrifs. Some consumers might just buy less or none of products with tarrifs. Some importers might eat some of their profits to remain competitive. Others my onshore manufacturing of their products. Truth is the cost of tarrifs won’t be borne solely by consumers.
We have seen this many times in the past when it comes to regulatory costs put on businesses by the government. Businesses find ways to comply for less than the full cost. Businesses do inevitably pass some of the costs to consumers but it’s rarely a one to one relationship. Prices have gone up to cover pollution control efforts at factories but consumers rarely pay for the full cost of cleaner air.
If the tarrifs prove to be successful – in the sense they promote domestic economic growth and at the same time raise revenues for the government at a discount – it may very well pave the way to a national carbon tax. If only the oil and coal companies pay the tax and only partially pass the cost onto consumers, while encouraging switching to lower carbon energy, it’s a win for the taxpayers and the environment. It’s possible we could get substantial reductions in emissions by taxing carbon but only minimally hurting jobs and consumers.
We don’t know for sure, but tarrifs are an exciting economic experiment that if they work could forever change tax policy and create an economy that is not only greener but also less taxing on ordinary citizens. Sure there will be losers under any tax, but targeted taxes on harmful industries might raise a lot of revenues while families and workers only pay a fraction of the cost.
Especially with that wind, but it sure felt good to bounce back from COVID and feel that cold wind on my face and breath it deep in my lungs after those many days of a terribly sore throat, achiness and general misery that COVID brought onto my life. I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time at home as did during those days of misfortune wthat COVID brought in on me.
This is not exactly news, those the Surgeon General officially saying it and recommending labels on beer and wine to that effect is certainly newsworthy. It’s easy to now stigmatize drinkers much like smokers, though it’s not a useful way to think about risk.
As the joke is about Proposition 69 warnings, everything causes cancer in California. But there are many products of modern life that are harmful but impossible to completely live without. You have to weight the risks and know certain choices may reduce your lifespan. On the other hand, you should worry more about big risks then little risks like that occasional beer or smoke with friends.
Between here and Goodwill been a good day thrifting. Got a nice new brass lamp for my office and some swanky shirts for work. Now to hike in the Albany Pine Bush! That wind is roaring though!