Three Rivers WMA

The Three Rivers Wildlife Management Area (WMA) was christened β€œThree Rivers” because of its proximity to the junction of the Seneca and Oneida Rivers which form the Oswego. The area is situated in Onondaga County about 18 miles north of Syracuse between Baldwinsville and Phoenix. Interstate 690 and NYS Route 48 provide easy access to the area.

The primary goals and objectives of the Three Rivers Area are to provide habitat for a variety of wildlife and to permit compatible public uses of the land. Considerable management and development work has been carried out since the 1940’s. Twenty-nine water units totaling over 250 acres have been constructed. These include potholes and small marshes ranging in size from Β½ to 5 acres and one large marsh over 100 acres. Water level manipulation and draw downs are accomplished to encourage certain aquatic vegetation. Over 50,000 evergreens and shrubs have been planted to improve the diversity of habitat and to provide food and cover for wildlife. An annual system of prescribed burning is utilized to keep open fields from reverting to brush and trees. Development and management activities are carried out with monies derived mainly from hunting license fees and federal taxes on sporting arms and ammunition.

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60th Road

What's so amazing about this lightly traveled throughfare in this 3,000 acre or so public hunting grounds, is it feels so rural like your some place far out in the country, and not five minutes from the suburbs.

Monday October 11, 2010 β€” Three Rivers WMA