Echo Cliffs
Echo Cliff at Piseco Lake
The Echo Cliff of Panther Mountain overlooks the Piseco Lake, Spy Lake, and Oxbow Lake, along with mountains and points east. The trail that goes up to Echo Cliff is labeled “Panther Mountain”, however the trail does not ever reach the ascent, but dead ends at Echo Cliff.
A beautiful day hiking up the trail for sure. The sun was bright, and I kept slapping on sunscreen. It was even a bit warm, not surpising for April 24th.
Reaching the top of the trail, almost up to Echo Cliff. The beauty of the mountaintop approaches.
Reaching the top, the beauty was amazing, as I looked across Piseco Lake with the trees just starting to green up.
Across the Lake to Popular Mountain and Oxbow pond.
Sitting along the edge, looking at the land and lake below.
Here is map of the hike. It’s quick, 30 minute each hike each way. If your up this way, do make this hike. I some day may want to hike this prior to sunrise, and watch the sun rise on this mountain.
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