
Started to Do More Maps

With the Internet at home, it’s always a distraction from getting any work done on the blog. Sure, it’s nice for searching for a code scrap or a solution to a particular coding problem, or to download a data file, but the Internet is mostly a big distraction from reading or doing blogposts.

Single Cattail

I’ve figured out an easy way to get block-group level American Community Survey data from the Census department. The Census Factfinder lacks block-group data. It’s called the National Historical Census Database. Not only does it have Census data up to 2012, it also has old data back to 1790. It might be interesting to do some historical mapping of things like population, especially when mapping urban growth patterns. The trick to using that data is to make sure you use the NH Census Shapefiles and not the TIGER/Line as otherwise the codes will not be able to be linked.

Without the Internet at home, I sure have a lot more time to do mapping and other activities.

Adirondack Wild Forests I Camped in 2011

This past year, I got up to nine different Adirondack Wild Forests as part of my explorations of the Adirondack Park. Did a lot of hiking, kayaking, and camping. The map below shows the Adirondack Park’s various units.

Change in Price Since March 2020

I camped in Aldrich Pond (1 night), Black River (4), Debar Mountain (3), Ferris Lake (5), Independence River (2), Moose River Plains (3), Taylor Pond (2), Vandwhacker Mountain (1), and Wilcox Lake (4). My preference for certain Wild Forests over others, is not just based on scenic beauty or activities to do, as much as closeness to Albany and compatability with weekend plans.

I saw quite a bit of Adirondack Park for sure.

Aldrich Pond (1 night)

Camped one night on Streeter Lake Road in Aldrich Pond Wild Forest near the hamlet of Oswagatchie. Paddled part of Little River and Streeter Lake.


Campsite 3 on Streeter Lake Road

Black River (4 nights)

Camped two nights at Wolf Lake Landing Road. Paddled around Woodhull Lake, hiked over to Remsen Falls.

Adirondack Lakes

Roadside Camping at Site 5

Camped two nights at North Lake. Sat down by the lake, enjoyed the moonlight. Explored Atwell and part of South Lake.

Total Greenhouse Gas Equalivent, by Country

View of Lake from Campsite

Debar Mountain (3 nights)

I camped for two nights at Mountain Pond near Paul Smiths, NY, while visiting the Saint Regis Canoe Area.


Then coming back from North Country, I decided to spend a night at Jones Pond, which is between Rainbow Lake and Paul Smiths.

Ferris Lake (5 nights)

I did two weekend trips up to Ferris Lake Wild Forest. The first was during Memorial Day Weekend, which was pretty wet and rainy for most of the weekend. The second was during the mid-summer on a super oppressive, hot and humid day out. While I explored Edick Roadside Camping, and also Good Luck Lake, both times I roadside camped on Piseco-Powley Road, three nights at PR 9, one night at PR 4, and one night at 11.

Renters vs Population Density - NY Census Tracts

Strawberry Moon

 Cascade Lake

Gwen Wright (D) vs. Steven F. McLaughlin (R) Rensselaer County Executive (2021)

Independence River (2 nights)

Camped two nights at Independence River Wild Forest on Smith Road, at field Campsite 1. There are ten campsites on this road, including one with an outhouse. Several of them are located in old logging load pads, that are now mowed as fields for camping. Nothing particularly fancy here.

Rainy Morning

Moose River Plains (3 nights)

Planned to spend a week at Moose River Plains, brakes failed on third day up there. Still got three days of fall camping in along Cedar River – Limekiln Lake Road. Camped one night at Campsite 24, and two at Campsite 57 this year.

 Almost To Bus Stop

 Summer Evening

Greene County, NY - Change in Grasslands and Pasture, 2001 to 2021

Taylor Pond (2 nights)

Camped up at Union Falls for two nights in the fall, while hiking and exploring several locations in Clinton County and eastern portion of the North Country.

All Packed Up at Union Falls Campsite

Vandwhacker Mountain (1 nights)

Camped one night at Cheney Pond at the Vanderwhacker Wild Forest.

Abortion Providers Operating by State, 2017

Road Campsite at Cheney Pond

Wilcox Lake (4 nights)

Camped three nights up off of NY 8 — one at an old Gravel Pit along the East Sacandaga River in April when the snow was still there, two nights at Fox Lair Campsite, and one night at Hope Falls Road, which is off of NY 30, near Northville.

Oil Exports

North-South Lake Campground

 Lookout State Forest

 Hammond Pond Wild Forest - Green Hill Parcel

Campsite I Stayed At

Camping Back at Fox Lair

Gulls on the breakwater