3D map with rayshader and ggplot2 in R
How we get tree planting wrong | It’s Complicated
Introduction | Cornell University
Creating Digital Surface Models GeoTIFF Using National Map Downloader, LiDAR Point Clouds and PDAL πΊ
Creating Digital Surface Models GeoTIFF Using National Map Downloader, LiDAR Point Clouds and PDAL πΊ
Find LiDAR Point Clouds on the National Map Downloader:
Select Find Elevation Source Data (3DEP) – Lidar, IfSAR
Search for LiDAR Point Cloud (LPC)
Click Export all results as a TXT file and save to a directory.
Then run this Unix command on the text file to download point clouds:
cat data.txt | tr -d '\n' | xargs -d '\r' -I {} wget -c -nc '{}'
Next create a pipeline.txt for pdal with the classification (For DSM, 1 are unclassified points like buildings and treetops, while 2 are ground points, if you want a DEM, you can also make them this way too with Classification of 2:2):
"pipeline": [
"type": "readers.las"
"type": "filters.range",
"limits": "Classification[1:1]"
"resolution": 1.0,
"output_type": "max",
Next convert the point clouds into digital surface model (GeoTIFF), you can use this shell command with xargs to go over each LAS file, using the above pipeline:
ls *.laz | xargs -I {} basename {} .laz | xargs -P3 -I {} pdal pipeline pipeline.txt --readers.las.filename={}.laz --writers.gdal.filename={}.tif
The above command can be somewhat slow depending on how many LAZ point clouds you need to go through and your selected resolution. -P3 sets the number of parallel process (3) which can help speed things up a bit.
Now we have the digital surface models raster that can be used in QGIS for hillshade for 3D.
Build a virtual raster (dsm.vrt) for easy loading into QGIS rather than loading separate files.
gdalbuildvrt dsm.vrt *.tif
Python code, takes a list of addresses, runs them through NYS Address Management system, then uses GeoPandas to calculate the municipality and Assembly district from GeoPackages then writes out to a CSV file
Python, the State Geocoder and Outputting Assembly Districts
Python code, takes a list of addresses, runs them through NYS Address Management system, then uses GeoPandas to calculate the municipality and Assembly district from GeoPackages then writes out to a CSV file. Nothing fancy, but it does a job. I could use it with any other shapefile I want. GeoPandas is nice because it’s fast and doesn’t require loading QGIS.
#!/usr/bin/python import requests,sys,json,os,csv import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd lines=[] # read list of addresses with open(sys.argv[-1], newline='') as csvfile: for line in csv.DictReader(csvfile): lines.append(line) # build address query query = '{"records": [' i=0 for line in lines: query += '{ "attributes": { "OBJECTID":'+str(i)+', "SINGLELINE": "'+line['Address'].rstrip()+'"} },'+"\n" i+=1 query += ']}' post = { 'f':'pjson', 'outSR': 4326, 'addresses': query } url = '' # send request to state geocoder req =, data = post) locations = json.loads(req.text)['locations'] # parse response for loc in locations: i = loc['attributes']['ResultID'] lines[i]['y'] = loc['location']['y'] lines[i]['x'] = loc['location']['x'] lines[i]['Match_addr'] = loc['attributes']['Match_addr'] # hackish, might cause problems but keeps joins from erroring if (lines[i]['x'] == 'NaN'): lines[i]['x'] = 0 lines[i]['y'] = 0 # convert to pandas locPd = pd.DataFrame(lines,columns=lines[0].keys()) locPd = gpd.GeoDataFrame(locPd, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(locPd.x.astype('float32'), locPd.y.astype('float32'))) # add county municipality column cosub = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/cosub.gpkg') locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, cosub, op="within") del locPd['index_right'] # add ads column ad = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/ad.gpkg') locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, ad, op="within") del locPd['index_right'] # add sd column sd = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/sd.gpkg') locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, sd, op="within") del locPd['index_right'] # add cd column sd = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/cd.gpkg') locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, sd, op="within") # remove added geometery and index columns del locPd['geometry'] del locPd['index_right'] # write pandas back to out csv locPd.to_csv (os.path.splitext(sys.argv[-1])[0]+'-output.csv', index = False, header=True)
Sometimes I wish I had studied cartography and remote sensing in college π‘π
Sometimes I wish I had studied cartography and remote sensing in college π‘π
Truth be told, it wasn’t really a serious option some 20 years ago. While a handful of colleges offered classes in GIS and remote sensing, it was very much in it’s infancy …
- Back then computers had very limited memory, hard drive and processing power — hard drives were rated in gigabytes and memory in hundred megabytes — and no ultra-fast solid-state hard drives
- With large GIS files, it would have been impossible to download them over a dial-up internet
- The quality of GIS data back in 2000 was rather poor as sensors were crude, GPS recorders were a new and expensive technology, the Census TIGER/Line files were rather geographically inaccurate
- In 2000, a lot of now-freely available on the Internet data was only available for purchase, and it was expensive and came on multiple CD-ROMs
- While there was rather cryptic but powerful GRASS back then, there was no Quantum GIS, which has become a very powerful open-source GIS program in the past twenty years
The disadvantage to not having formal training, is one doesn’t see things in an ordered, formal way. I learned how to make maps and use GIS data in a hands-on-way, and only learned the minimal terminology and methods required to get desired output. I understand the doings of map making, but not so much the theory. I have been reading open college textbooks to pick up some more of the formal theory behind maps, but a lot of methods are crude and just based on experience of what works.
But I am kind of glad that I don’t do map making professionally. It really frees me up to do my own thing, on my own time, not having to worry about conflicts with work. If I do a map or GIS research for an activist group, nobody can say I’m utilizing work equipment, skills or data I acquired from my job. Instead, I am doing it totally on my own based on my own studies and knowledge.
I’ve looked a bit at college classes nowadays, but they’re rather expensive, and I’m not sure how much they would benefit me. I guess it would be something to put on a resume, but I am generally happy with my current career, and the cost is high for getting a certification in something I am fairly familiar with at least on a practical perspective. Plus, I often think any classroom learning would be out of date, compared to what I am using nowadays with Quantum GIS and other open source tools and data.