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Geopandas! πŸ—Ί

Teaching myself about the Geopandas library. Not because I’m interested in the plotting capacities but it sure would be nice to have a fast “geocoder” that could join point data to other shapefiles I have like counties, municipalities, Assembly districts, etc. without using QGIS.

For example, I can feed the state’s address management geocoder up to 1,000 addresses and it will spit back a list of coordinates. In theory quite easily I could take those coordinates, spatially join them with Geopandas and add a column with the Assembly district and municipality – all without loading the shapefile or plotting a map or doing scripting within QGIS.

Election Districts

I really should try to get and save as many of the election district maps from county rest servers as possible before the year is up because with redistricting they will be changing the lines and for certain projects it sure would be nice to have the old ones to compare to new ones, especially in an automated fashion by using join by location in QGIS.


Been doing a lot of reading of some of the ERSI ArcGIS tutorials not because I’m interested in learning more about the commercial software but more seeking out more skills and terminology I can use to do neat new projects with QGIS.

Panchromatic Imagery And Its Band Combination In Remote Sensing

Panchromatic Imagery And Its Band Combination In Remote Sensing

A panchromatic band (black and white band) is one band that usually contains a couple of hundred nanometers bandwidth. The bandwidth enables it to hold a high signal-noise, making the panchromatic data available at a high spatial resolution. This images can be gathered with a higher resolution since the spectral range give the smaller detectors allowance to be utilized while sustaining the high signal-noise ratio.

This capability allows the smaller portion to be seen and still acquire strong signals. Therefore the Panchromatic usually resembles a wide band that has a lower spatial resolution (mostly a half less than the multispectral band) that the exploration of the imagery details.