More Blue Lupine
Enjoying the beautiful lupine in bloom in the Albany Pine Bush.
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Enjoying the beautiful lupine in bloom in the Albany Pine Bush.
This home-made tree stand has been nailed to this Pitch Pine for years, if not decades in the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, and nobody from the commission has ever been bothered to remove it and recycle the scrap metal. Not that the commission is that logical to believe in recycling or anything like that. I mean aren't they supposed to be an environmental commission? I don't have a problem with bow hunting -- they need more of that in the preserve because there is a big overpopulation of deer, but people shouldn't be injuring those Pitch Pine, which are already difficult enough to grow, especially with their fire dependency.
It just amazes me on a beautiful day like Saturday afternoon, there was not a sole to be seen at Blueberry Hill, despite the crowds to see the jester and clown at the Lupine Festival at the Discovery Center.
I just think it's moronic that the Albany Pine Bush Comission was too lazy to put recycling bins at their lupine festival for cans and paper.
Listening to the birds chirping on Blueberry Hill.
Pitch Pine Road shows how developers can turn Albany Pine Bush into Everywhere USA.
Just a short walk around of our booth at the Lupine Festival.