I decided to pull the overnight tonight. β›Ί

I decided to pull the overnight tonight. β›Ί

  • Black flies are very bad out at Partridge Run
  • The black flies remind me of what it’s like camping in Moose River Plains during Memorial Day Weekend – they’re atrocious
  • Between the wind and the dry leaves it would not be safe to have a fire in the back country
  • That breeze will make it cold in the hammock come morning
  • Even with multiple layers it will in the upper 30s come morning
  • It’s likely going to drizzle by morning
  • I got up at five o’clock this morning to bird watch and I’ve been hiking all day so I’m tired
  • Hammock camping in the bush with my light weight backpack isn’t a bad idea but not tonight

Snow Falling on April 19, 2020

While it wasn't a big snow storm, there was definitely some white falling from the sky I was camping up along the East Branch on Saturday morning. They got even more snow down in the Catskills.

It’s a beautiful afternoon

It’s a beautiful afternoon.😎

I am heading out hiking the rest of the day at Partridge Run then I have a pack ready to go for a quick overnight at one of one of the local state forests, in the back country, hammock camping! Should be an great adventure. Definitely get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!