A Mountain Cabian
Buildings Heated with Geothermal in New York
While this data is a year and half out of date, and some local assessors don't correctly use the new FUEL_TYPE code, it is still interesting.
A Bash Script for Geocoding Addresses in New York State
If you are on your typical Linux or Unix server you probably have everything you need to run this script such as cURL and sed, except for possibly for jq which was on my home computer but has no dependencies and can be easily installed on most Unix servers by just compiling the source code.
while read -r LINE; do
LINE=$(echo $LINE | sed -e 's/"//g')
if [ $i -ne 1 ]; then query+=","; fi
query+=$(printf "{ \"attributes\": { \"OBJECTID\": %s, " $i)
query+=$(printf "\"SINGLELINE\": \"%s\" } }\n" "$LINE")
if [ $i -eq 1000 ]; then
query="{\"records\": [ ${query} ] }"
curl -s -F f=pjson -F outSR=32768 -F addresses="$query" $url |
jq --raw-output '.locations |= sort_by(.attributes.ResultID) | .locations[] | [.address, .score, .attributes.Match_addr, .attributes.ResultID, .location.x, .location.y ] | @csv'
done < /dev/stdin
# handle remaining records
query="{\"records\": [ ${query} ] }"
curl -s -F f=pjson -F outSR=32768 -F addresses="$query" $url |
jq --raw-output '.locations |= sort_by(.attributes.ResultID) | .locations[] | [.address, .score, .attributes.Match_addr, .attributes.ResultID, .location.x, .location.y ] | @csv'