Lowville Forestry Demostration Area

The Lowville Forestry Demonstration Area is located on 98 acres at the former NYS Lowville Tree Nursery. The nursery was in operation from approximately 1923 to 1971 and during that time, a total of 530 million seedlings were produced. A demonstration forest was created here by planting trees together in blocks based on species. Demonstration forests are used to show how different species of trees grow and look together. https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/8075.html

Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane 🐲

I used to be a big marijuana enthusiasts after I bought my first few pre-rolls. Smoking pot was a lot of fun. But as I’ve smoked more over time, and it’s become a more normal thing, it’s kind of lost it’s specialness and novelty to me. The colors aren’t so vibrant, the leaves not so fascinating to watch flutter or the ripples on the lakes and steams as interesting.

I’ve tried mixing cannabis with caffine to retard the sedative effects and enhance the europhia. Too often when I’m high it’s actually hard to be creative and think clearly. But that’s what I want – more insight into the world around me. And I’m not convinced the drug is doing that. I don’t smoke every day, it’s more something to enjoy up in the wilderness, by the fire and in the hammock, still I wish it could give me more clarity and discover who I am. Maybe my hope for the drug was mostly just a pipe dream.