Day: August 10, 2024

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My views on the 2024 Presidential Election …

  • I like Chase Oliver the libertarian for President, and it’s not like it matters who you vote for in New York as Kamela is going to win New York State and that’s all that matters.
  • I might write in Edward Abby for President. I think he has many good ideas and he’s dead with a tomb stone in the desert that says, No Comment. Which is the best answer for any politician.
  • Kamela would be good with the grass I like to smoke. Make America Stoned Again. Seriously, I just want to be able to legally smoke grass in the National Forest and bring it across state lines. Not that ever stopped me. Just like you shouldn’t burn plastic in New York, it’s bad for the environment unlike bulldozing endangered species habitat for housing and paving over farm fields for solar farms.
  • Kamela would promote more of her anti-second amendment crap and arbitrary and capricous restrictions on our gun rights. She probably lock up more of our public lands with more barricades and develop more of the wilderness in parks for SUV driving yuppies.