Greene County 2020 Presidential Election

Greene County 2020 Presidential Election

Continuing the ED-by-ED explorations of the 2020 Presidential Election, one can see much of Greene County is Trump Country. Biden did fairly along in Coxscakie and Catskill, along with some of the mountain towns.

What do I complain the most about? Change.

We live in a society that embraces change, especially technological change and the consumeristic possibilities that it makes possible for corporations to dove tail on and sell us things. To be anything but one who embraces change, is often seen as backwards, a luddite of sorts.

Change can be good and bad. We often describe change as progress, but is it not always the case. Sometimes a step forward really is two steps backwards. We should weigh both sides, realize that change has costs but also benefits. Change often involves the unknown. That, can be scary and threatening to one’s position and way of doing things.

Life would be boring if nothing would ever change. There would no opportunity for growth or progress. But I often get caught up in loss aversion, fearing what change means. I often over emphasize the negatives of change while ignoring the benefits. I can be a perfectionist, and when change doesn’t bring only the best be solely down on change. I’ll complain about all change brings and is below my expectations.

I don’t mean to be an eeyore, always complaining about how things are going to hell as the world changes not always for the better. Yet still, I can’t bring myself to always be looking out the happy window, embracing only the good while being blissfully ignorant of all that is lost with the change. But I do need to try to find some more balance in life, overcome my loss aversion while accepting both the good and bad of change.