
The Night of 12 Hours

Today is the first day of fall. It’s also the first night of year when the night time equals or exceeds daylight. It seems rather strange after a summer of short nights and long days, to have the process reverse, but it’s a natural process, that man can not overcome.

I was setting up camp last night, and it really struck me how long the night time really was. I had to be camp by 7 PM, because it was already dark. The sun doesn’t rise until 6:30 or so now in the morning. It makes the evenings awful long with all their darkness, even if my campsite is well lit.

North Fork Mountain

Long winter nights are all part of nature’s cycle. New England ecosystems depend on those winter nights, to keep ecosystem healthy. Darkness is just part of the whole cycle of winter, and cold and snow it brings. But it sure seems like 7 PM is an awful early hour to get dark.

It will be even stranger when the time changes in November, when the days start after 6:40 AM and end a little after 4 PM. Winter certainly is dark in the northeast.

Evening Colors

Regardless, I guess the darkness doesn’t matter that much. Man has gotten good at lighting the way, so any darkness is offset by man’s artificial light. But it seems so strange returning to days when darkness exceeds light.

Today is the first day of autumn. While technically we have a little more daylight then night, we are now in the season of when they nights will grow longer then the days.

Yeah, It’s Monday Once Again

Mondays seem to come much too frequently. Weekends are much too short. Weekends, something we all look forward to, seem to be just fleeting moments on that calender. Just another day.

Heading East Along Cedar River Flow

One could look at it as being only 5 more days until the weekend. 5 days promising to go by just as quickly as the now memory of the weekend. But it still seems like a Monday.

Goodnight Mr Sun

Eight hours and it will be over. And it will be down to 4 more days, but still it seems like Monday comes much too often.