
An Evening Down By the River

About 8 miles from where I live there is the Henry Hudson River Park in the Town of the Bethlehem. I’m not a big fan of urbanized parks, but this one is fairly rural and sits on the beautiful Hudson River. You can sit down there, and watch the boats and barges go up and down the river, and the people walk around.

 Lake Champlain in Evening

It’s a peaceful oasis not too far from craziness of the city. It’s a quick refreshment that is still affordable to go down and enjoy, regardless of the gas prices. It’s some beauty that is accessible with out consuming lots of gasoline. It’s the kind of place one wants go after a long stressful day. I might even have ridden my bike down here, had it not been for my bike being in the shop.

Playing with a Dog

I need a place to go sometimes to clear my head, and enjoy the peace of the river. This is one of those great places. To think, to find some of myself in the river currents as the go floating down and away. To explore. To throw some pebbles to in the river. Just to be myself.