
The 38% Without High Speed Internet

The Commerce Department announced last week that 38% of Americans choose to live without high speed internet in their houses. I am within that group.

The biggest problem with high speed internet is it’s quite expensive. Most of the plans I see advertised in Delmar are about $80 a month. That equals $960 per year, or probably in the range of $1000-$1100 a year with taxes and fees. That’s a lot of money that I could be saving or using for other purposes.

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My parents are quite happy with their $5/month dial up Internet Connection. Dial up might not be fast, but it gets the job done for all the basics. Getting High Speed Internet out where they live would be even more expensive.

Internet access is not an essential, that one particularly needs. While it is nice to be able to check one’s email or do certain other tasks online, there is always the local public library that provides high speed internet access.