
Driving to Work Really Sucks

Most days I take the bus downtown to work. Yet, yesterday I was running really late, so I decided instead to drive into work. The idea is would save me a little time — at least compared to waiting another 10 minutes for the next bus to come.

And I did get to work a little bit earlier. But I wasn’t happy. I had to fight traffic both in and out of the city, then find an on-street parking spot. While were I park is far enough from the state office buildings and with permit parking to be quite easy, but it still was not a pleasant experience.

Circle Stack Interchange

You have to drive around the block looking for a spot. Then once you find your spot, you have to get in it, and make sure your in compliance with all of the parking regulations. You check the signs to make sure your on the street the proper day, then look for driveways, crosswalks, and fire hydrants. After a while you get to memorize all of things, but you still want to check.

Alternatively, you can pay $3 and park in a city lot, where they feed the homeless people and winos. Who may spend the day sleeping under your car. Not exactly a great choice. Yes there are other lots, but either they are a lot more expensive, or they require you to pay for a month permit.

The Giant Refrigerator

Then you spend all day wonder if some drunk driver or stupid city person is going to crash into your truck, while your at work. You get back your truck at night, and then say, thank god, nobody has messed with my truck while at work. And then you drive home.

If your lucky, you get out of work after rush hour. Otherwise, you sit in traffic, while you try to find all of the residential side streets to sneak past the worst of the traffic. But you still sit in traffic. Eventually, you get home, usually just about the time the evening bus stops next to your house.

..You come to conclusion, that despite burning a gallon of gas, and worrying all day, you didn’t realization you didn’t really save much time at all.