parking lots

Parking Lagoons

parking lagoon – a place for the temporary disposal of private automobiles in urbanized areas while folks shop, work, recreate

Ever since the start of the automobile age, we have been building parking lots, or as James Howard Kunstler and some of the environmentalists like to call them in a deriding fashion, parking lagoons.


Parking lagoons are large fields paved over with asphalt, designed to allow people to park large amounts of automobiles while they enage in their day to day business. Rather parking along on the street, and requiring people to potentially walk a few blocks, parking lagoons create consolidate parking.

This causes a number of problems:

  • Parking lagoons cover vast areas of land that could be better used for buildings, farm fields, or forests.
    • The average parking lagoon is 3 to 5 times the size of the average building they serve.
  • Parking lagoons collect up rain and leaking fluids from cars, often depositing them in creeks and rivers without treatment.
  • Parking lagoons collect heat by providing vast black surfaces to collect heat.
  • Parking lagoons are dangerous to people walking to and from their cars.
  • Parking lagoons are areas of large numbers of minor car accidents.