
Be Thankful This Thanksgiving

Notes on the Re-Run for Thursday, November 24th.

Happy Thanksgiving! Make the most of it, enjoy your turkey and everything else.

— Andy

Many of your fellow neighboors are struggling to get by this thanksgiving. We are in one of the worst recessions in decades, with many parts of the market failing in ways that have not occurred since the thirties. Many people have lost their jobs and will not be having such a marry thanksgiving this year.

While some people will go in deep humility to the local food banks or be able to enjoy the holiday with family, knowing that one is without work and a victim of the current recessions must be painful. To know that one will likely be searching for a job for quite some time, and any job they get probably will pay less and not fully utilize their skills.

Others will have to work this thanksgiving and will not be home to be with their families. Those people while in many cases essential to our livelihood, won’t be able to enjoy the turkey at home this special day. Make sure when you pass them by not to forget to thank them too for their hard work and all they do for our society.

Eat your turkey. Have a good holiday. Just remember all those who aren’t having such a good one about now.

 Pleasant Valley Road