
Agreeing with Tea Party Sentiment; But Not Really Their Politics

I agree almost 100% with the message of the Tea Party protesters. Too often our elected officials are not serving the public interest, but only their own narrow special interests. Politicians are unwilling to confront both wealthy donors, much less any sector of their demographic that they represent. Too many politicians have spent too much time in office, and have grown too distant from the people they are supposed to represent.

It’s not just a problem with the Democratic Party. Indeed, it’s a problem with both political parties. Many Republicans are too friendly to big business based on their ideological predisposition. Republicans often exploit government for the special interests that they are involved in. Republicans are too willing to oppose taxes on behalf of the rich, while either depriving the public of much needed services or leading to higher user fees on the rest of non-rich populous.

100,000 Iraqis Dead

Both political parties need to have a tea party revolt that kicks out the bums their respective parties. There needs to be fresh blood, corrupt and evil practices should not be tolerated. Legislators need to have term-limits and primaries that force the old out and the new in. Legislative sessions need to be shortened, and legislative bodies made unprofessional, so that new elected officials have a connection with the people they represent are elected into office.

The Tea Party folk are right. It’s time for a new politics, a new generation of thinking and caring politicians. The old must come and go, the new blood must come in. The beloved old politician of yesteryear is the problem of today, holding us back into a politics of yesteryear. We as a society must move forward and not backwards. And for that, my hat’s off to all reformers of politics be it the Democracy for America and MoveOn folks of the left or the Tea Party folk on the right.