Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

It's the holiday season. 🌲 So it would seem though it doesn't feel like it yet, even with the snow and cold approaching upon us. ❄️ But so is the season to be jolly, πŸŽ… and make the most of it as in a few weeks it will once again warm back up. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. 🌬️

Outside Unadilla

Another farm on the backroads outside of Unadilla. They do after a while start to look alike, it's always interesting to pass them by on the backroads.

Taken on Monday December 30, 2019 at Great Western Turnpike.

Blustry start to our January

Good morning on this January 2nd! The wind was certainly ripping around for a while last night. I could feel the drafts during the night and hear it roar. 🌬 It has died down, but it’s still a pretty cold morning out. Finally starting to feel better, though it’s COVID so I should wait at least 24 hours until the last of the symptoms fade away before heading back to the office. But I’m hopeful by the weekend I’ll be better and can get back to work come Monday. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

It’s at that point where I am really kind of antsy to get back into the routine, but I know I should wait as I don’t want my COVID symptoms to re-lapse, nor do I want to risk getting everyone else sick. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’ΌBut I woke up this morning without the pounding headache, only minor aches and my nose is running a bit but that may be just because it’s cold. I am getting my hearing back, though I still can’t taste or smell anything at this point. 😀

I enjoyed going down to the library yesterday to work some various projects, and mostly to get away from my apartment, as these small walls have been tough being so sick. 🏠 The thing is until yesterday, I felt too sick to really even go out for any length of time. Yes, I did a quick car wash and got some supplies on Monday wearing the muzzle, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience. I am not fully back, but I am definately feeling a lot better.

Saturday as long as I’m feeling okay, I would like to get out and walk or maybe ride in Albany Pine Bush. 🚢🌲 It’s been so long, over a week and half since I’ve ridden my bike, and it’s been longer since I’ve been back in the woods. 🌲 Doesn’t look like there will be much if any snow in the Pine Bush but it will be cold. Then maybe look at more nice looking shirts for work at the Salvation Army. Next weekend is probably the time to go, as people are cleaning out their closest after the holidays. πŸ“š It was insane how many yuppie people were tossing or at least trying to toss old books β™» in the book donation bin at the library, which was already full.

Going to get cold next week, but that’s to be expected in January. πŸ₯Ά I think I’ll have to plan on getting in early and walking laps in the morning on the plaza. Truth is cold mornings aren’t that bad, I just watch for the bus schedule, get out as close as possible to it’s arrival and then walk in heated plaza and wait for the shuttle from inside the bus turn out. 🚌 Certainly easier then driving back and forth to work.

I figure it will be cold the next few weeks, and then it will warm up. 😎 These extended cold periods rarely last that long in winter anymore. Indeed, even this one upcoming cold period at it’s coldest doesn’t look that bad. Two weeks from Saturday is Martin Luther King Weekend, I’m hoping if it’s nice and not to snowy to get out to Madison County for two nights. πŸ• Probably not longer then that as in the cold I don’t want to worry about having a battery that goes flat. Plus the nights are still quite long.