Why vote for a liberal when so much of what they do is utterly meaningless? I have to reflect back upon the NYS DEC’s old “Recycling Works” signs at state campgrounds and a few other state facilities where the now decades old signs haven’t yet been crushed and packed into the local or increasingly long distance dumping facilities – the garbage mounds that surround our cities. I get it was a clever campaign, a double entendre reminding people that not only recycling good for the environment it employed people separating and reprocessing waste material. And it certainly made people feel good, even if relatively little waste ended up getting recycled in such programs. Certainly those tin cans and plastic bottles don’t amount to much one way or another when we are constantly buying, using up and tossing things.
Truth is that much of liberalism has become a feel good racket like “Recycling Works”. It has in words of Trump become woke – addicted to feel good, politically correct things – that don’t have any real impact or change things to the “non-negotiable way of American life”. It’s the electric car and solar panels on the roof and virtue signaling all that involves on the way to the local big box store to buy organic junk food wrapped in plastic with a big recycling logo for your blue bin. Does it make a difference around the edges, like recycling the plastic milk jugs, yes, not also not really. If you aren’t willing to attack the “non-negotiable way of American life”, you’re just being woke.
Wokeness was intended to be a first step in the minds of liberals. We have been told we can’t change the established order or inconvenience people too much. Tell that to the Trumpster! We don’t have enough political capital or the votes to do much besides meaningless action. The American way of life is non-negotiable. We have to respect established convention and our governing institutions, not such inconveniences are impacting Trump 2.0 that much. Truth is that the cards have been called on the liberals and it’s just a bluff, their weak soup no better than white bread and cheap television dinners wrapped in plastic. All the promises of the liberals to address the climate crisis, or the growing mounds of toxic shit has lead to nowhere. Good intentions pave the road to hell.
Now the solution is not in brutality of the Trumpster or tossing our hands in the air. But liberals offered no real alternative to Trump, nobody wanted four more mediocre of Biden’s bland soup. At least Trump is spicy, good for some laughs even if he tosses more logs on the fire as the world burns, literally. He won’t be such an ally to the gun control and animal rights activists. He won’t play footsie with foreign nations. But he also won’t even tap the brakes or pretend he’s doing the right thing with his wokeness. Truth is we all were sick of consensus building, establishment reinforcing small steps of the left. Shit needs to be blown up, and while we might not like the direction Trump is taking our country, at least he’s doing it with dynamite. And was what came before Trump 2.0 really worth saving? Maybe the American way of life needs to be negotiated. America was a pretty shitty place plunging towards climate disaster and fascism long before the Trumpster was on the political scene.
My hope is that liberals are learning a thing or two about power. Sometimes when you have power you just got to ram shit through. Not give a fuck if you’re breaking things or hurting people in the process. Not be afraid to be deamonized or called a fascist nazi. Not be afraid to smash through the American way of living. Not be nice, ask permission, build consensus, and carefully follow the law but get things built. Why the hell didn’t Joe Biden did not declare a climate change emergency? Suspend laws to get renewable energy projects to be built. It has far better of a basis in reality than Trump’s delusional energy emergency when gas prices are lower than a decade ago. Fire people who are in your way and if that is illegal or is stopped find other ways to cut off their balls so they crawl back in hole.