Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest

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Bullet Pond And Horseshoe Pond

Access to Horseshoe and Bullet Pond is via Horseshoe Pond Road which runs parallel to and intersects Hoffman Notch Road in Schroon. Bullet Pond is only accessible by a bushwhack through wilderness, it's the more developed pond, while Horseshoe Pond is much closer to the road and much more wild.

 Bullet Pond And Horseshoe Pond

Big Pond Trail

2.5 miles North of Hoffman's Road, following the Hoffmans Notch Trail aka Big Pond Trail there is a designated campsite located a spur of the trail going down to the lake.

 Big Pond Trail

Roosevelt Truck Trail

The Roosevelt Truck Trail was built in the 1930s for forest fire suppression and provides a relatively flat, gated remote wilderness road for walking and exploring in remote country of the Adirondacks. 

Boreas Railroad – Moose Club Way To Northwoods Club Road

Lately there has been discussion of abandonment of the Tahawus Rail Line along the Boreas River that was constructed illegally during World War II, removing the rail and turning it into a multi-use trail for biking and hiking in summer and snowmobiles in winter. While you can walk it now, it's technically still an active rail line, and you have to step over ties and rails and probably is trespassing.

The trail would be a nice one, as over the 5 miles between Northwood Club Road and Moose Club Way is only about a 150 foot elevation gain, so it's a very gentle hike into remote wilderness, on a route that could be a nice leisurely hike or bicycle ride into very remote country.

 Boreas Railroad - Moose Club Way To Northwoods Club Road