

Officials Look For Younger Poll Workers, Because Of COVID-19 : NPR

But this year, with the coronavirus pandemic raging, Weiss, who's 74, decided it's just too risky to work the election in November.

"I'm a very patriotic person. I felt this is just a duty that we should have, you know? So not doing it, it makes me sad," she says. "And I feel a little selfish about it because there are people that are really putting themselves out there during this pandemic and I marvel at that, I marvel at our first responders. But should I get the virus, I'm quite concerned over my being able to survive it."

Instead, her grandson, Max Weiss, is going to take her place at the polls.

He's a law student at William & Mary and helped form the Alliance of Students at the Polls, which is building a national network of law students to serve as workers.

Donald Trump suggests delay to 2020 US presidential election – BBC News

Donald Trump suggests delay to 2020 US presidential election – BBC News

Donald Trump has called for November's presidential election to be postponed, saying increased postal voting could lead to fraud and inaccurate results.

He suggested a delay until people can "properly, securely and safely" vote.

There is little evidence to support Mr Trump's claims but he has long railed against mail-in voting which he has said would be susceptible to fraud.

This is going to be the messiest presidential election of our lifetimes. β˜‘

This is going to be the messiest presidential election of our lifetimes due to the coronavirus pandemic. β˜‘

  • Virtually no state is prepared for the flood of absentee voter applications that are going to be coming in or the flood going out
  • Many people who request ballots will end up not getting them due to lost mail or overwhelmed boards of election
  • There is going to be too many absentee ballots out to have any serious idea about who has won the majority of votes in on election night
  • Most states don’t count or even start verifying the outside of absentee ballots envelopes until days or even a week or more after Election Day
  • People expect the president to be determined by the end of election night but we aren’t likely to know final results until around Thanksgiving or possibly even early December
  • Expect a lot of absentee ballots to be tossed out on technicalities – some more valid than others – depends on the state
  • Absentee ballots have numerous chances for mistakes and ballots being laid aside and state election law is very complicated
  • Activists on both sides of the aisle will argue election laws are unjust or court rulings are unfair of things don’t go their way
  • Polling data may not be accurate with so many people voting by absentee so don’t be surprised if election results vary from the polls
  • The final results will be messy and maybe not what you hoped for.
  • But elections are ultimately just temporary, new elections are only two to four years away.