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Cheap thrills πŸ‘»

Cheap thrills πŸ‘»

Or how I can query the state real property database to create quick and easy maps of things that are interesting. 

Lately I’ve been posting most of the maps I’ve been making either including property boundaries of nearby properties or where tax maps aren’t available from county or state, ownership center points

Lately I’ve been posting most of the maps I’ve been making either including property boundaries of nearby properties or where tax maps aren’t available from county or state, ownership center points. I think this is useful information, especially if somebody is looking to ask permission from a neighboring landowner to access the land or hunt it.

I’ve also been including buildings on my more recent maps sourced from Microsoft Building Footprints database, which can be used to locate one’s location, especially towards the edges of properties. That dataset isn’t perfect but it’s much more complete then what’s currently in OpenStreetMap.

The Social Lives Of Trees

The Social Lives Of Trees

5/4/21 by NPR


Ecologist Suzanne Simard says trees are “social creatures” that communicate with each other in remarkable ways β€” including warning each other of danger and sharing nutrients at critical times. Her book is ‘Finding the Mother Tree.’

Farmer accidentally moves Belgium-France border 7.5 feet

Farmer accidentally moves Belgium-France border 7.5 feet

This is the kind of thing that used to start wars, but we highly doubt that this incident will come to that. A farmer who was annoyed by a historic stone marker that was in his tractor’s path moved the object 7.5 feet — unofficially making his own country of Belgium slightly bigger and neighboring France slightly smaller.

Farmers are notoriously protective of their land rights; sovereign nations tend to be, too. As you can imagine, the incident has raised some eyebrows.

First reported by the BBC, the news outlet said that the border between France and what is now Belgium was formally established under the Treaty of Kortrijk, signed in 1820 after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo five years earlier. The stone, which is between the Belgian town of Erquelinnes and the French town of Bousignies-sur-Roc, dates back to 1819, when the border was first marked out.

One of the World’s Largest Collaborative Geospatial Projects – GIS Lounge

OpenStreetMap: One of the World’s Largest Collaborative Geospatial Projects – GIS Lounge

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is perhaps one of the largest geospatial collaborative projects in the world, where over 1.5 million contributors have helped to edit over 1 billion features.[1]?The project effectively tries to map the world using a crowdsourcing, collaborative method.??In this MapScaping Podcast episode,?Jennings Anderson, who researches OSM, discusses the benefits of the project.

Area of States

New York is a tiny state area wise compared to Texas.
Texas = 261,231 sq mi (land)
New York = 47,126 sq mi (land)

You can put 5.5 NY in landmass of TX.

Open Geospatial Standards – shared standards to solve shared problems

Open Geospatial Standards – shared standards to solve shared problems

3/24/21 by MapScaping

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The Open Geospatial Consortium ( OGC ) is connecting people, communities, and technology to solve global challenges and address everyday needs. check out episode 43 – The Evolution of geospatial file formats and data exchange – with Dale Lutz ( Co-Founder of SafeSoftware ) You might also enjoy this episode about data formats :) Remember to Subscribe :) Share this podcast with a friend! Join the email list Happy to connect with you on LinkedIn