Country Life

Milking Cows in Brand New Parlour!

Big dairy farms, with state-of-the-art milking parlors, robots and other technologies are kind of neat, but when it comes down it, dairy farming is pretty much dairy farming, it's still cows, it's still cleaning and hooking milking machines up their teats, feeding them, hauling manure, cleaning bedding pack, etc. I am actually a bit surprised which such a big operation they don't use more milking robots.

Getting FREE Wood Chips!

The On the Farm Youtube channel has gotten a bunch of wood chips to start composting livestock mortality, to turn dead cows and deer guts into fertilizer that in a few years can be spread on the fields rather then just burying the carcasses and wasting their nutrient value.

Bulls – Triumph and Tragedy

This weekend we head down to move the bulls off of the cows and end the breeding season on the ranch. After a rain delay, we are struck with good luck and bad as life on the ranch continues the only way it knows how.



Bought an old tractor that hasn't been started in 10 years and we try to get her back running again.

A leaky injector, a runaway diesel, and an engine saved by smothering the air intake with a can of brake fluid. Oh an just a bull trying to mount a donkey. So a totally boring video.