Solid Waste

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It Burns

Probably everybody should recycle.

This picture is inside a burning barrel from a farm not too far from where I live. While these people are truly nice people, as you can see they don't recycle. But can you blame them?

By burning they are reducing their waste down to almost nothing. And it's a pain to store and haul all these consumeristic extras to the landfill every couple of weeks.

Wednesday December 27, 2006 β€” Trash


Many of us take our garbage and toss it in a garbage can. We somehow want to deny it's existence. That trash can goes out to the curb and a big automated trash machine takes it away to the landfill, far from our own site. Or maybe if you live in the country, you know a little bit a more about trash.

You've probably burn it yourself, smelled all those toxins burn, and watched it flash up into flame. But have you sat and watched it smolder for those countless hours as those man made products are destroyed? All that hard work being consumed by flame and being reduced to ash just so you can continue to consume precious resources.

Wednesday December 27, 2006 β€” Trash

From Farm to Trash

A picture of a styrofoam egg carton that blew away from the barn. We reuse old egg cartons at our farm for the sale of eggs, as new egg cartons are expensive, and a waste of resources to keep sending them to the landfill.

Tuesday January 16, 2007 β€” Trash


Antifreeze carton I found in a gravel pit, that I played with a bit in GIMP to make it look pretty.

Friday March 2, 2007 β€” Trash