NYS Census

New York State mapped and discussed, using Census data. Lots of interesting infographics can be found here.


Towns where more than 15 percent of the residents are under age 6:

  1. Palm Tree town, Orange County
  2. Lapeer town, Cortland County
  3. Cowenango town, Cattaraugus County
  4. Centerville town, Allegany County

Population Over 75 Year Old

Some of the towns with the oldest population in the state are located in the Adirondacks and Catskills. Those communities may ultimately see some of the highest numbers of death rates as part of the population due to Coronavirus. It really could hit Rural America hard as many of the healthier youth have moved away to the cities for work.

Data Source: US Census Bureau. S0101. Age and Gender. Population Over Age 75. http://data.census.gov/

Mobile Homes, Percentage Of Homes

This interactive Google Map looks at the percentage of homes in each Census Tract that are Mobile Homes. Generally, mobile homes are more common in rural parts of the state, but not always. Generally mobile homes are in lower-income parts of the state, but that also is a correlation but not a rule.

Data Source: American Community Survey, Demographic and Housing Estimates (2016 ACS, DP05). https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_16_5YR_DP05&src=pt