NYS Census
New York population projected to shrink by millions in years ahead, report says – syracuse.com
New York Counties Ranked from Poorest to Wealthiest
College Graduates in NY State
Data Source: 2016-2020 American Community Survey, Table B15003. Persons age 25 or older with a Bachelors degree or Post-Graduate Degree.
NYS Median Household Income by Municipality
This graphic excludes the following Westchester towns with a median household income above $150k - Scarsdale, New Castle, Pound Ridge, New Castle, Lewisboro and Pelham.
High School Drop Outs Map
Generally rural and inner-city areas have a high percentage of high-school drop outs over the age of 25.
Data Source: US Census, Educational Attainment by Census Tract. 2015 ACS 5-Year Averages. http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t