NYS Census

New York State mapped and discussed, using Census data. Lots of interesting infographics can be found here.

GINI Index By County

Relatively poor, rural counties upstate have the greatest equity in wealth. There isn't a lot of very wealthy people -- most people just make enough to get by in these counties. Steuben County, home of Watkins Glen and the southern Finger LakesΒ  has the lowest GINI index of any county in New York.

Median Household Income (2019 5-yr averages)

Downstate New York is much wealthier in general compared to Upstate NY.

Data Source: US Census Bureau. MEDIAN INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2019 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS). Survey/Program: American Community Survey, TableID: S1903. Census Tracts.

High School Drop Outs Over Age 25

This interactive map shows the percentage of the population over age 25 which lacks a High School Diploma in New York State. Cooler colors mean a lower percentage of adults without high school diplomas, a warmer color means more adults without high school diplomas.

Data Source: US Census, Educational Attainment by Census Tract. http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t