Downtown Albany, NY

Downtown Albany is the Central Business District in the City of Albany. Or as the Downtown Albany Bid describes it …

“Exciting Entertainment. World-Class Dining. Exquisite Art and Culture. Urban Residential. Whether you work or live in New York’s Capital District or are lucky enough to make a visit, downtown Albany offers the unique opportunity to explore a city rich in history, framed by nearby mountains and over 400 years in architecture.”

There are a lot of jobs downtown, and decent public transit. You have to go there on the weekdays to make a buck or two.

How Americans fought to restore Veterans Day to November

How Americans fought to restore Veterans Day to November

"The Uniform Monday Holiday Act was signed on June 28, 1968, and it changed the traditional days for Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Columbus Day, to ensure that the holidays fell on a Monday, giving federal employees a three-day weekend."

"The bill moved Veterans Day, at least on a federal level, to the last Monday in October, with the first observance of the new date in 1971. Veterans groups moved quickly to oppose the date switch, and two states refused to switch their dates in 1971. By 1974, there was confusion over the two dates and most states took a pass on commemorating the holiday in October."

"In a typical editorial of the era, the Weirton, West Virginia Daily Times explained why the holiday switch wasn’t working. β€œCongress has no choice now but to enact legislation restoring Nov 11 as Veterans Day. The majority of the states have spoken and the Congress should heed their preference. There’s too much confusion over the two dates,” says an editorial from October 28, 1974. β€œAll veterans organizations retain the original date.”

"A few months after that editorial ran, 46 of the 50 states decided to ignore the federal celebration in October, by either switching back to November 11 or refusing to change the holiday. By the middle of 1975, Congress had seen enough, and it amended the Uniform Monday Holiday Act to move Veterans Day back to November 11. President Gerald Ford signed the act on September 20, 1975, which called for the move to happen in 1978."

A Tree Museum

I've been going through old news clippings of Save the Pine Bush and came across this. It's from the Schenectady Daily Gazette in 1989, and all these years later it still seems real timely. πŸ¦‹

Taken on Wednesday August 5, 2020 at Save the Pine Bush.